What that called, when you punch a woman, knocking her out, then have sex with her unconscious body and leave...

what that called, when you punch a woman, knocking her out, then have sex with her unconscious body and leave? what's that called again?

Other urls found in this thread:


Having fun

making love

Pain over pleasure

A good time

donkey punch

donkey kong

tuesday night

6 months


That's a donkey punch


I'm sore to get all SJW on you but it's called "rape" and it's a bad thing. I mean you wouldn't like it someone raped your sister or mom or girlfriend or daughter, or even you! Would you?
...aaa... Never mind...

dankey kang


6 months its called

underrated post

It's not rape if she didn't say no


25 to life.

being a nigger, op

what's that supposed to mean


it takes good strength control to get a girl out in one hit without permanent damage
i would call it a perfect

img related

losing a battle is consent do you live under a rock

A brock turner

>a perfect
>1 perfect

that's the dude

I know

surprise sex


>have sex with her unconscious body and leave

a cosby


It's not called "a cosby" but "pulling a cosby"

I the detail lies the devil


you fail at trying to be clever

so you are implying that I am clever, well Thank you Good Sir!

I am sure you can be to if you just try hard enough!

20 minutes of action

casual sex