Just took Oxycodone for the first time, what should I expect?

Just took Oxycodone for the first time, what should I expect?

Being a junkie for the rest of your life

not much, had a whole bottle for free and played around with it for me

Either its not much and isnt great or opiates are not for me

pass on it and sell them

I'm legal, prescribed by my GP

Adverse Reactions/Side Effects

CNS: confusion, sedation, dizziness, dysphoria, euphoria, floating feeling, hallucinations, headache, unusual dreams

EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, miosis


CV: orthostatic hypotension

GI: constipation, dry mouth, choking, GI
obstruction, nausea, vomiting

GU: urinary retention

Derm: flushing, sweating

Misc: physical dependence, psychological dependence, tolerance

* CAPITALS indicate life-threatening.
Italics indicate most frequent.

High Alert: Accidental overdose of opioid analgesics has resulted in fatalities. Before administering, clarify all ambiguous orders; have second practitioner independently check original order and dose calculations.

Do not confuse short-acting oxycodone with long-acting Oxycontin. Do not confuse oxycodone with hydrocodone. Do not confuse Oxycontin with MS Contin.

Advise patient that oxycodone is a drug with known abuse potential. Protect it from theft, and never give to anyone other than the individual for whom it was prescribed.

Medication may cause drowsiness or dizziness. Advise patient to call for assistance when ambulating or smoking. Caution patient to avoid driving and other activities requiring alertness until response to medication is known.

Advise patients taking Oxycontin tablets that empty matrix tablets may appear in stool.

Advise patient to make position changes slowly to minimize orthostatic hypotension.

Advise patient to avoid concurrent use of alcohol or other CNS depressants with this medication.

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
Decrease in severity of pain without a significant alteration in level of consciousness or respiratory status.

Nothing unless you mix it with booze.

this plus, as long as you're in pain, you're good. If you feel high your dose is too much.

I'm in pain almost all the time (back is fucked up). Would like to get hight though.


Oxycodone v. Hydrocodone

Which is better, why?

Well, if that's the pill you took- you took 10mg of oxy and 325mg of acetaminophen. Unfortuantly they cut pills with the acetaminophen which is shit for your liver, but that's a whole other story. Since it's only 10mg you should expect to feel very heavy in your body and mind. Very relaxed, with a surge of numbness through your entire body.

If you have any pain or headache anywhere, that will be eliminated for the next 5-10 hours once it hits.

Doesn't matter so am I. I was taking them just for pain now I'm fucking snorting them and cant stop and trust me the withdrawal is fucking the worst. So seriously dont take them anymore after you take your script its a vicious cycle bro I wish I never started

Oxies are significantly stronger. I don't think they're comparable. It's like comparing morphine to heroin(not power-wise).

My script is indefinite, for a fucked up back.

Honestly man be careful my whole neighborhood is hooked on that shit. The withdrawal makes you wanna kill yourself perc addiction is no joke I've been hooked for years

Cum sack

Well it's either I take them (or my hydros) or have pain so severe it causes me to contemplate suicide.

Thanks m80

Yeah I get that I was in the same boat if you feel that your getting hooked which is unavoidable maybe ask your dr about suboxone. I take that when I don't have my oxys. Like I said man getting addicted is so fucking easy on them and when I don't have them the pain is amplified tenfold

Might be bad advice, but just whatever you do, don't start taking high doses. Try taking half a pill for now and see how you feel. If it does it for you, sell the rest and get your new script.

When I started taking them, I was good with only 5mg percs.

Higher you go and want to quit without MMT or Subs, the worse the WD will be.

becoming a heroin junkie

I'll keep that in mind. I don't really get addicted to shit though (not saying I won't, but just saying)

Subs were the only thing that helps me with wd I'm actually gonna try to get them instead of oxy so I wont have to take both. Sub withdrawal sucks too but its not as bad

Oxys will have you addicted and you wont even realize it till you go a day without then next thing you know your in horrible pain your shaking getting hot and cold sweats the whole nine yards. I wish I would have never started. I just loved the feeling when I first started and it does help the pain