damn... really makes you think...
Damn... really makes you think
American Education
White "men"
>neymar is european
>american education
Will burgers finally learn that Brazil is not Europe ?
> neymar is an athlete who plays in europe
> but he is not a european athlete
why are europoors so fucking stupid?
they thrive in Europe
Just apologize and gtfo
a black wolf and a golden lab doesn't prove anything. White wolves are larger are the same size as black wolves (they both have common ancestors) White bears are larger than their black counter parts.
How can amerilards even compete?
damn lol is that dude on the far left photoshopped?
Ill just leave this here
The funny thing about football linemen is most of them are actually in fine cardiovascular shape despite how they look and keep the weight on because they have to. Look at just about any NFL lineman a year after they retire most slim down almost immediately.
let's all collectively laugh at this guy who thinks brazil is in europe
american education at its finest people
That guy on the left
>Both portuguese
Now we're european. Fuck off Sup Forums
>build wall
>spics go right over it
nice meme
Americans are black?
I don't get it.
why are americans so fucking stupid
> neymar is an athlete who plays in europe
> but he is not a european athlete
why are europoors so fucking stupid?
someone get this hothead out of here ffs
Hey mexico, you dropped your bird
>calling people of spanish descent 'spics'
Really netherlands? Have you forgotten you were also another colony of the Spanish kingdom and hence have the same heritage as us?
>this autism
How can we even compete? At the draft last night all the black players had qt gfs as well. Look at Euro 2016, all the best WAGs belong to black players. Think we lost guys
>you will never have ronaldo wings
Shut up irrelegland, youro vs usa is talking
Why not? It's only lats and all of us have those.
lol realize how only blacks in the nfl are buff, and not anyone else. Just goes to show you how lazy, retarded, and obese americ-burgers are.
isn't that whats actually happening right now in burgerland ?
Stopped reading right there
>endurance athletes vs contact sport athletes
Damn rly mak u tink
>being obsessed with black men
Damn rly mak u tink
>responding to a closeted teen
Damn really makes you think.
I see one american in the side of European athletes and two africans in the side of the American athletes.
>really makes you think
you fucking queer
>it's an "american makes a cuck thread" episode
even he is impressed and surprised
>It's an Americans get all hot and flustered like teenage girls over ripped black men episode
Of course american can't comprehend the fact that if you gain more muscle, you lose technical skills, WHICH ARE FUCKING NEEDED TO PLAY FOOTBALL
fucking hell. why i am responding to low quality baite. i suck.
>Make tournament
>Netherland doesn't go to it
>literally 80% of Europe are qualified
>Except for Netherlands
>lose to czech
I have some fun with that.
I also ask people if they think Netherlands can still win
...that spee is filled with faggots? yea. Long time suspicion confirmed. Also, /heem/
>those fucking tiny legs
Really makes you think, doesn't?
>tfw would probably knock both American athletes the fuck out with 1 punch each despite being 10 years older
I bet he cant run for 90 mins with several sprints in between.
You cant be that massive without sacrificing stamina.
well duh he's a wrestler. I bet you couldn't grapple anyone like him. What matters is he has a more impressive physique
same way Lelbron wouldn't be able to play a decent 90 minute footie
Still with the same? You are definitely retarded
>Neymar plays for Brazil NT
>Brazilian national
>Brazilian athlete
>Neymar plays for Barcelona in Spain, Europe
Come on, you can do it, think before you post!
The American athletes are on steroids.
And so are Ronaldo and Nani.
We can pump our niggers full of steroids too.
just need to train lats
lats are easy to train unless your shoulders are shit
because it should have been saved
It's almost at though different sports produce different types of bodies and specialties.
yeah here's the thing LeBron is literally just as big and strong as Klitschko, and is a much better overall athlete
obviously Klitschko would win in a boxing match, but it wouldnt be an easy knockout like you say
>those fucking tiny legs
if lebron and wade have such small legs then how come they can sprint and jump much better than that guy you posted
hmmm really makes you think
really makes you think
Messi is a much better athlete though
> is faster and quicker
> has more endurance
> has better hand eye coordination
> has better footwork
> is a better captain of his team
> is more intelligent and creative on the field
I guess JJ Watt is bigger and can smash people into the ground better, but that doesnt really make him a better athlete
American Education
>athlete in europe
>not a european athlete
spanish education
he is faster than you i bet you this buddy
wow it's almost like they play different sports that require a different set of skills
>Jackson Martinez
>athlete in asia
>Asiatic athlete
American Education
hey Pablo do you consider Pau Gasol an American Basketball player or a Spanish Basketball player?
Obviously Spanish player
I think you're a bit retard Michael
>is a basketball player
>is spanish
Tough question
Nice comeback Juanfran
Do us all a favor and stop making us look like a bunch of dumb fucking idiots.
it's asian you mouth breather
and yeah he's an asian athlete in the context of this thread
>have a bmi over 30
>"fine cardiovascular shape"
You want to know how I know you're a fatfuck neckbeard?
Sooo... if say I'm a snowboarder and then get to live in egypt that would make me an egyptian snowboarder by OP's definiciĆ³n?
We made niggers you toothless Jew
no because egypt does not have a well followed snowboarding scene
just like someone on the argentine national ice hockey team isn't representative of an argentinian athlete either
it's really not that fucking hard
neymar is a european athlete because he plays at the highest level in the most popular european sport, so he is a representative of the best athletes in europe.
what do you think OP meant by this?
it means OP enjoys dicks in his ass, unconditionally.
but he plays american basketball, not spanish basketball
fuck off troll
you sound like a cuck
>proving american phyisical superiority
>using a guy who's been all his career injuried
my sides
top kek,netherbro.
He has long lats... I have higher lats that end way up high ( are.shorter) so ill never get that v shape.
Rooney could probably beat both of those guys on the right desu. He used to box when he was younger and he's got scrappy Scouse fighting genetics.
>in a boxing match
in any fight, you dumbass. One trains in niggerhoop another trains in niggersmash and Klitschko is more athletic.
netherlands smoking plants and having bantz
Why is every other country in the world so pathetically weak?
Really makes you think
they really delivered a gift to the world with these pictures
Please. Even our punters are in better shape.