Guys, since today im dangerous to public...

Guys, since today im dangerous to public, my burnout syndrome reached the rock bottom (At least I hope) today I was 20 minutes and work and realised I got nothing to lose, no family, no children, so I went home, and I was driving extremely dangerously...I was thinking about going in opposite lane and hit a lorry...nothing helps medication, no therapist, no shrinks...what should I do ? Im only burden to society...should I kill myself ?

TFW you don't actually give a fuck about OP and only came into his thread to save his picture to use in a feels thread later because you're a depressed niggerino.

i know how you feel, when i was younger my mom made me see a therapist for a while, it didnt really help either. but, after seeing a few more, i found the right one. you just need to find someone you can open up to.

No live and have as many kids as possible. Become a southern baptist preacher. Raise dem boys right

Get over yourself. Most of us have thought of running into the other lane and hopefully dying soon.

Kek ur a faget

What you should do is start doing drugs if you really don't give a fuck.

Like at least enjoy the blissful road of opiate overdose

Yeah, you are right. Only thinking and not doing things makes us human. Thanks for reply.


You self pitying faggot.
Everyone feels that way.
You're not special.
I literally want the world to burn to ash and I invest my money so it slowly happens.
I won't be able to knock off a year or two of humanity in my life time but at some point, my money will do its part in making the planet less habitable.
This is literally my only goal in life right now.
Life is miserable shit so I dedicate that hate into generating income and investing into heavy industry, natural resources, and energy companies that doesn't give a fuk about ur hippie planet.
I hate you for being such a weak pathetic sympathy seeking fucking worthless empath.

Do the planet a favor and commit suicide and take out a few people while you do it.
If you want to be malicious, parents tend to completely break down if their young children die.
Go t-bone a school bus and rig your car to immolate after the accident.

This. You're just an edgy teenager. You have a car and internet access faggot, how bad could it be? Be thankful for the small things you little entitled bitch. Go get your ass kicked and be glad they didn't break more of your bones.

If you're really a danger to the public I fully support your suicide. But you'll never do it because you're a whiny entitled little faggot teenager as I've expressed already. Someone out there would kill to have what you have. Stop stealing their oxygen

Yeah, you are absolutery right, but talking to shrinks ETC. feels like its "forced" to me, I rather talk about things with friends... I think friends love to help but are not capable of efficient help and shrinks are efficient enought to help a lot but I dont like talking to them... I think only solution is to become friend with some shrink, Thanks for reply



Is this true? So, if someone showed up to your door one day, quoted you on this, and told you that they were there to end your life, would you resist?

Just do it faggot

Its all you man, you just think a certain way and you can rise above and just force it. You need to have the willpower to do so, and everyone has the potential

You are now free. Pick a cause you belive in or kill pedos. Check a Megans law website to find pedos near you.

Stop embarrassing yourself and don't let your emotions control you. You don't need a therapist. You need to go be a dirty nomad and see some punk shows. Embrace stoicism and hedonism.

Looks like you have no goals to strive for nor any care for life. So why don't you do good for the world and end your misery at the same time? Get a plane ticket and head to the middle east (many different countries that could work, just go with what's available according to your schedule) a gun (many airlines will allow you to bring them on so long as they're in an appropriate container, and a decent amount of ammunition for said gun. All of those can be acquired with little difficulty in the U.S. unless you have a criminal record and if you don't have the money, sell your car, you aren't planning on surviving anyway. Go out shooting and help the world if you actually care and aren't just an edgy teenager.

None of this will actually help the world. It's just a boyish fantasy of being a "bad ass war hero." But it will get you dead faster than most methods, so there's that.

If you really want to end your life, it's not that hard. That's why nature filled the woods with predators. You get sick of the same old stuff, find a bear or mountain cat... and run. Run fast, like you've never ran before enjoy your last moments. They'll figure it out. They know that running things are prey.

If it's a bear, it'll swipe your head clean off. If it's a mountain cat, it'll clamp your neck and sever your spinal connection. Either way, it'll be over relatively fast. I can't promise it'd be painless, but is sure would be exciting! And who knows--once in awhile men do this, and actually come back, and when they do they're fucking savage.

Yeah, emotions are worst thing to have, emotions only impairs judgement. Thanks for reply


I think much faster solution is to fall in zoo exhibit, since im yurofag, zookepers dont even have BB guns and the biggest wild predator is fucking cat.

Thanks OP

Yeah but it will get him killed and give him a reason to live for until the end. Gotta go out with some style