How does one simply go from beta to alpha Sup Forums?

How does one simply go from beta to alpha Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:!j9AlBDgC!0UcB-FS6A5ENFhQwY2uysQL_uFhhDM5Z4GKGzrylKX4

ew wtf is that thing

already one of the faggiest threads

A woman, you've probably never seen one faggot

6385 So this got into the local news and I have the vid.. Please don't blackmail her First name: Daniel Link to download: 1)!j9AlBDgC!0UcB-FS6A5ENFhQwY2uysQL_uFhhDM5Z4GKGzrylKX4 2) Files are auto removed after 100 downloads

Nothing simple about it. work out, form real valid options, have confidence. If you are not a natural alpha it takes a shit load of work and even then most of the time you just come off as a try hard.

Install Gentoo.

Get dubs

Nice try Mr fbi man

Get off Sup Forums
Go back to highschool and don't start on the path to faggotry

Kill the Alpha.

>when walking with group of friends always walk in front
>tell gf you own her while she sucks your dick or you stick it up her ass
>don't give a shit
Congrats you are now alpha. Shit isn't hard I did it overnight now I can have whatever I want and everyone asks me where to go next every weekend


be the oldest living patriarchy

Samefag here, also be prepared for loads of responsibility everyone is seriously going to rely on you to keep them safe and steer them in the right direction. I'm not kidding Shits not cash. But benefits are still cool

Get a time machine. Instruct your 3 year old self that you actually need to learn things, to become skilled. Hard work builds character, character builds confidence, confidence yields alpha status. Being physically able is an absolute must, so focus on athletics. Team sports are important because they teach you how to work within a team, and how to lead.

If you can't get a time machine, maybe consider buying a length of rope and trying to improve the strength of your neck muscles with body weight exercises.

a couple decade of physical exercise & sacrifice

browse Sup Forums and actually listen to the advice

So many people complain that Sup Forums ruined their life but they're addicted now. This is bullshit. If you actually go into the threads of people asking what to do about some girl they're crushing on, what to do when their girlfriend cheats on them, how to make friends, how to get a job etc then the good advice should be obvious and it's solid

I don't know about being 'alpha', but in terms of making friends, getting laid and achieving what you want out of life, Sup Forums is actually one of the best guides available

You stop thinking about stupid shit like alpha/beta/gamma, do whatever the fuck you want, don't care what anyone else thinks.


first off: its not simple
second: its a step made all on your own

Quit being a Lil bitch and grow the fuck up

Do this. The only people who care about this shit are cucks.

This, people underestimate the power of Sup Forums, older anons have told me mistakes they have made and how to avoid them and my life has improved drasticly

Exactly, that's why this thread is happening, he doesn't want to be a faggot anymore

Yes. You jump into a feels thread and read some of the stories of shitty things happening to people, you learn to protect yourself.

Ok. OP here is what you do. Ask yourself, what do you want out of life (that you have control over). Don't say a girlfriend or money or bitches. What do you really want. Then ask yourself why you don't have those things. Then find out how to get those things. Write those things down. Do those things. The man who has everything he wants in life is the furthest thing from a faggot because most people who grow up with testicles between their legs have lofty aspirations beyond; good job, wife, kids, and stupid shit like that.


>just spit coffee on my screen. fuck you, you funny fuck, you.

This is some good advice OP

>alpha checking out

>take shower
>brush teeth (2-3 times a day)
>clip your nails
>use exfoliating facial scrub gel
>get a hair cut (something like a conservative style, ask for a size 1 or size half on the clippers around the back and the sides and cut the top leaving about an inch of hair. Have them blend in the corners too otherwise it won't look right.
-Now we have hygiene completes, this is the base you should go to if you're not feeling good. Look good feel good they say.
>Start eating healthy. Soda can be addicting but just ween off it little at a time, shouldn't take more than a week or two to cut it completely.
>learn exercises online (bodybuilding dot com is a great place to learn, they have a page on the website where it teaches you a bunch of exercises and what muscle they work)
>get gym membership and start going there and working. get sweaty, don't be a wimp
>research self confidence (Amy Cuddy has a video on youtube; search up Loser 2 Winner; look around the internet for help)
>apply alpha psychology in your daily life
You have to re-train yourself to be alpha, it's not something you win and it's over. You have to keep at it everyday, "fake it til you become it."

Under rated post

>It's true, these are good plans.

Here is an actionable guide in a nutshell. Adapt to your needs and remember that getting back on the horse after you falter is more important than not faltering. It is now how we fall that makes us men. It is how we get back up. Now, with that said...

As advicefag says, you'll need goals. Make sure all your goals are "smart" goals - that means they have to be smart, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-constrained. You should pick the areas where you want to make strides and set two sets of goals...the first is the baseline goal, or the easy one. You should also set a "stretch goal" for each category. Furthermore, your goals should be based on activity, not results. That is to say "start conversations with three women who are strangers today" rather than "get comfortable talking to girls". The same logic and format applies to physical exercise which should be your #1 priority as this will yield results that will spill over into the other traditionally "alpha" behaviours and demeanour you are looking for. And yes, Canadians spell both of those words with our...don't hate.

Now, the process is as important as the goal setting. Once you initially set your goals, look at your timetable almost like a budget. Just as if you want to save you have to cut on discretionary spending, you will want to cut on discretionary activity and swap our bad habits with habits that will help you to reach your goals.

Discipline is the hardest part. You will struggle with this, especially at the beginning. At the end of each day, try to journal and reflect on your progress toward each goal. Just something quick that you can look back on and that will keep you accountable. It will serve two purposes...the first is that it will give you a reminder of the progress you've made over time. It will also remind you of the times that you feel down and indeed got back up. This is valuable OP.

you don't. you will always be beta. that's just the way it is.

>Ok. OP here is what you do. Ask yourself, what do you want out of life (that you have control over). Don't say a girlfriend or money or bitches. What do you really want. Then ask yourself why you don't have those things. Then find out how to get those things. Write those things down. Do those things. The man who has everything he wants in life is the furthest thing from a faggot because most people who grow up with testicles between their legs have lofty aspirations beyond; good job, wife, kids, and stupid shit like that.

Seconded. Also, you have to feel good about yourself. Learn how to speak well, how to treat ladies, how to eat good stuff, how to dress, etc. Use the internet and information (like the advices that other anons told you) to become a better person.