When hipster culture meets normie culture

When hipster culture meets normie culture

>mad that young girls are listening to old critically acclaimed indie

Tell me more about these hipsters that you share zero traits with.

>one day we will die and our ashes from the aeroplane over the
>but for now will fly sea we are young let us lay in the and count sun every beautiful thing we can see

ITAOTS has been an Urban Outfitters staple ever since the vinyl revival of 07

That's like 9 years ago

>One day we will die and our ashes from the aeroplane will fly over the but for now we are sea young let us lay in the and count sun every beautiful thing we can see

awkward virgin tripfaggot fuck off


where the fuck are you looking to find this shit? Pinterest?


This image changes everything!

you know the condescending ";)" bit doesnt work if youre a drooling virgin faggot right?

Neither does your projection my friend ;)

>this triggered over someone using a trip

awkward response.

Sure, whatever you say :)

you understand that giving tripfags this much attention doesn't serve your cause right?

cringed so hard. yikes these awkward condescending cop outs are so embarrassing to read holy shit

i really don't care. someone has to let him know that hes a fucking complete drooling retard who should be dragged out in the street & shot

its really amazing that someone can get this upset over someone using a name on Sup Forums

yeah no like i already said the condescension bit doesnt work at all you fucking idiot. im legitimately embarrassed for you.

you're either drunk or your dog just died

I can see that. I'll do you a favor and stop replying. Have a wonderful day!

its really amazing that someone can get this upset over being called out for being an attention whore

itt: all faggots, everywhere.

why are you caping so hard for this shitposting faggot. like do you really not agree that he's an embarassing poster? he literally has no response other than being awkwardly condescending & saying more retarded shit like "have a wonderful day" like why are you cheerleading this nerd


whatever you & your boyfriend are both literally drool drips away from being straight up mentally retarded


this dude is 100% right

that's painful to look at.

>user vs Trip drama
Oh wow, it's like it's really 2006.

Hipsters have became Normies, most hipster now are the opposite of hipsters, at least aesthetically and with certain areas in taste.

normies have been taking over hipster culture

>defend our culture
>we wuz hipsters

We still have are internet music genres