literally what sport are these good at again?
Literally what sport are these good at again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dingo swinging
rugby is a minoirty sport in australia, more so than in england. Its behind football now
Australia isn't a sporting nation.
They are more into the arts. Please see this masterpiece of Australian culture for proof.
Sick bantz
>this obsession
just spit out my fucking coffee
Its kind of hard to be good at sports when you're trying to concentrate on not dying every day. Went to australia and did some hiking around the outback and every other word out of the guide's mouth was "naow wotch awt fo thees sucka, itell kilya"
i honestly don't know our media tries to depict us as a sporting nation too, its kinda sad desu. we could probably beat any other country in AFL though.
shitposting. But it falls more under arts and culture than a sport.
If partying hard was a sport australia would be #1
Australian Football
best in the world at the best sport in the world. AFL.
hello rato
Holy shit. I'd never seen this before, brilliant.
Australians literally shitpost irl
hello rato
wew lads
I'm 33 and already balding
Fuck you rato :( :( :(
hello rato
wewy lads
Are these things even human?
hello rato!
As funny as that is, it seems like it could be staged. It's too perfect.
shit that made my day
They should invent a sport involving kangaroos, koalas and boomerangs.
h-hello rat0
hello rato!
Why did you reply? Are you 15 years old? Aspergers?
league is 2nd most popular after austimo football.
it is a comedy show
We're really good at AFL. Win every year.
Every year.