rekt;::big truck edition
Rekt;::big truck edition
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are those fucking apples?
>the only Apple device that crashes
fucking moron stopped in the high speed lane.. dumbest fucker ive seen on the road.
Do truck drivers know how to use brakes though?
uber-rekt... in slo-mo...
hey smarty, lrn2physics.
theres alot of force behind a moving truck, it takes a while to stop it or even slow it down.
unfunny faggot
that idiot turned in front of a truck
2013 Pinetown crash
Passing lane... it's a passing lane. Doesn't make the guy any less retarded. But there is no high speed lane
She was trying to make an illegal u turn. Karma!
think maybe she learned why its illegal? lol... maybe not, some people dont learn much.
people can't see a fucking thing and still drive like nothing will fucking happen
Are those fucking apples?
unfunny because true... unlike most green text.
>keep your foot hard on the pedal
>son, never mind those brakes
>let it all hang out
>cause we've got a run to make
Those were for eating
And dust to dust
you haven't done much driving on autobahn, eh?
saw this on cops in 1994
Or American most dangerous videos
18 wheels and rolling
well he did have his signal on at least
Well, how do you like them apples?
Shit like this triggers my anxiety lol
27 dead. Christ!
So, he only looked to the left?
This looks awesome as shit.
This happened in my area lol idiots.
I was never afraid to drive on highways, until now. I think I'll stick to playing in the backyard.
trucks are so dumb.
That is why in most European countries large trucks are not allowed to drive as fast as cars.
In North America, trucks drive as fast as cars.
Not all.
pretty sure its just because Europeans are pussies.
I think Eurpeans love life.
We love guns and mayhem.
Top kek
idiot trucker. couldn't he see the turn signal was on? jeez.
>Don't like trucks?
>Well they're about to be replaced by drone trucks which have no drivers, always stay in the right lane, and will cause 1/100 as many accidents
>Problem solved!
It was going so well too.
this is why you always look both ways before crossing a street
even if you are in a car and have the right of way
Truck won.
Breaker one nine good buddy. I'm knocking at yer back door.
That's so 90's!
I think you'll find that motorcycles usually lose.
i just don't get how people are so fucking stupid
Takes a fuck ton to stop a truck
Air brakes
Lern sum thangs bruh
exactly why they import the most life loving poeple on earth right?
>In North America, trucks drive as fast as cars.
No, actually not. On US interstate highways, the speed limit is usually 70mph or 75mph, trucks are limited to 55mph everywhere.
Wasn't truckers fault.
>indicates to enter truckers lane (no problem with this)
>leaves indicator on because he wants to exit to the opposite road.
>breaks to make exit
>just driving
>car indicates into lane in front
>whatever I'm just driving
>car breaks hard
>I'm in a truck dude srsly?
Wrong. Not everywhere