
Euronymous is cute.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/c1w8b4cabm2zopp/Dimensional Psychosis - Magical Matrix of Dimensional Continuum (2005).rar


fuck your waifu shit

oystein would've made a good trap.

First for I need more stuff. Gimme rec! Gimme shares!

Because I'm not an ungrateful cunt, you can request shares from me, too.

Is this the new thread or is it the hunting one?


Nothing qtr than a girly devil worshipper in his prime.

>"wutz that user"

found this in my car


Anyone have either Fimbul demos? Or the compilation? I'm having trouble finding them

What are some essential splits?

Alright. I personally don't like dark Funeral

Which amarok is that?

Is pic related allowed? I never listened to it before.

March to the black holocaust

Xasthur/Leviathan split

I'm gonna make a BM take where at the beginning of every song a voice shrieks "kvltaholics: real kvlt shit" like the trapaholics guy.


Mightiest/Depressive Silence

I enjoy this


Dimensional Psychosis - Magical Matrix Of Dimensional Continuum

mediafire.com/file/c1w8b4cabm2zopp/Dimensional Psychosis - Magical Matrix of Dimensional Continuum (2005).rar

>IBM, sounds like Emperor IN SPACE

sample: youtube.com/watch?v=kphfQak_ZM0 (it's from the second album but they have the same sound)

is ambient black metal the easiest genre to make? just paulstretch any sound for as long as you want to song to be and call it a day

I'm trying don't worry

Which Taake albums are his trilogy?
I saw it on a chart in /nbbmn/ but I forgot to save it.

learn to rotate your images inbred retard

What do you have?

>just paulstretch any sound for as long as you want to song to be and call it a day

BRIAN ENO HATES HIM! This user found ONE WEIRD TRICK to making any type of "ambient" music and basically you're an idiot!

Bull of Heaven pls go

Nattestid ser porten vid...


>has a Gibson Les Paul and a Marshall JCM800
>ruins it with a DigiTech pedal

Its on slsk

>Mass produced guitar
>literally anything to ruin
it was bad before it started

It wasn't a real Gibson tho

Apator Masturbates in Praise of Black Satan


if you haven't listened to this, you aren't kvlt.



I'm not finding available downloads of it on there

Not totally surprised by this, but what's your source on this

Alright, I'll upload it if you give me a few minutes


the best part is that the dude just says satan vomits once and then loops it, he can't even be bothered to actually say it for 3 minutes


a cute faggot

>sounds like Emperor IN SPACE
Oh wow

>want to know how much trip fags are retarded? let's find out
>*track from late burzum*
>so, let me explain, first of all, you're a fucking idiot, second, I was never a satanist or devil worshipper. This was bullshit that resulted out of Norwegian black metal popularity. It was people like Euronymous who tried to make it this edgy, attention seeking thing. And now you know, so shut the fuck up, useless tripfag

don't get your panties in a bunch user

Thanks, will give it a listen.

Fimbul - Det Siste Slaget (1995)
Fimbul - Vinterland (1995)
>black metal


>I... never even liked venom. The only early black metal band I liked were Bathory, I had a venom shirt because I got it for free.

Oh I have listened to it. I wish I hadn't.

Thank you my friend!

I think i read it on the black metal subreddit, so not a very credible source

Who's the QT in the sodom shirt?


how do i get better at tremolopicking lads?


Been up for 26 hours and just pounded glass of vodka, bm for this? feel

Some sick Dungeon Synth

Its Purty good, just not really bm. Its ambient


Venom-fags on suicide watch

Remember to ignore the embarrassing "BM for this feel?" tourists.

Rest your palm on the bridge, like in palm muting, but a bit apart of the strings so you don't mute them.
Also use a metronome and start slow.

I pity you kids. You'll never know what it was like uncovering black metal in its prime. You'll never know what it was like to trade tapes, write to fan zines, go to the post office every day to read your mail.
Do you even have any releases that didn't come off a label? I have tons of rare cassettes and cd-r's made by the bands themselves. You guys want to be kult but you'll never get close.

Perfect drumming.

Maybe if you post this enough, it will become an epic copy-pasta meme, friend! :)
It's certainly very humourous and definitely warrants reposting, haha! :p

more like this please

in a way i'm sad because that's all true but on the other hand it doesn't really fucking matter because even if i was born in prime BM time i still would have been stuck here, not to mention if i was 20 when BM was on it's prime than that means i would have to go through the gommies wrecking shit up


daily reminder that metalfags are degenerates


Why is this so fucking melodic? Pisses me off...


This but unironically

okay thanks for your opinion faggot.Sorry you have no taste.

i need pills to be truly degenerate

>not being degenerate

Check this shit out, lads


Gimme your best splits

Lifetime disgust / Aegrotationis

Blut aus Nord / P.H.O.B.O.S. -Triunity

>Do you even have any releases that didn't come off a label

Go back there please.

Literally wojaks on the cover

Need some pure EVIL music please.

Listen up faggots I'd like to say a few things in regards to nbbmn and BM in general. First of all stop infecting this supreme black art with you're bullshit. nbbmn is nothing more than a social gathering of faglords attempting to be into something never meant for them and its just something obscure and ironic to brag to friends about being part of. Its a fucking disease and the fact that you all listen to as many albums as possible totally disregarding their true essence while only focusing on so called "music" is sickening. Most of you won't even listen to the shit you heard ever again or maybe when they next November rolls around you'll do it all over again because thats the trend right?? I fucking hate you people who just listen to bm because it's more media for your worthless selves to consume without any regard to the spirituality of this form of art. You're the fucking piss stains of this world. Haha yeah you're just in it for the music right? Haha they don't actually believe what they write about! Seriously fuck you all I want too see all fucking dead in a ditch full of shit because that's where you belong with the rest of the pathetic humans of this world. BM should be taken as a spiritual endeavor not some worthless entertainment and pissing contest of "who can listen to only black metal for an entire month" At least the true bands should be taken in such a way as there are certainly many many bands that have infected the seed of this Black Art. Only those with the true fire inside their hearts truly appreciate BM for what is. It's not just music and Its certainly not meant to be consumed in a way such as this. It less about sound rather its more about the ideology reflected and it's essence. Fuck off to all "just music" cunts. Fuck you all and glory to the essence of satan and his eternal black flame.

Why did someone made a new thread where this one has only started?

pic related.


we are talking about Black metal here. Its not exactly the most hi-fi genre.

read that in his voice

holy shit those guys on the middle are exactly like these

>heavy metal on a nbbmn thread

It's proto-black metal, pleb.

sounds like a big inconvenience.

>what is 1st wave

Damn, i need to check Blut Aaus Nord more often

>Do you even have any releases that didn't come off a label?

Speaking of Aegrotationis, it truly sucks when record labels make a tiny release of 30 - 50 tapes and by the time you catch up they're all sold out. And the band wont set a Bandcamp page.

>inb4 Bandcamp is for greedy sods

lmao where did you find this copyypasta?

*Blut Aus Nord. Fucking fingers. Also forgot pic related

>Dimensional Psychosis
is a fancier way of saying

sounds like a NES game

You know what else sounds like Emperor IN SPACE?

Emperor doing a collab album with Thorns