>mfw I get a 12
Mfw I get a 12
I got a fucking 27
Confirmed, 9 because I like animals... LOL
23, not bad
I also got 9, because I like solving people like puzzles. Plus I don't mind animals, I respect nature, and all aspects of it.
I got 51 but I'm not so sure about empathy. Yea I know how to act and what to say and can read people but I don't actually give a shit about them
Check em autists
You're all a bunch of degenerate faggots.
I would say I am the same about solving people... Often they are just too fucking dumb to solve things on there own so I like making them feel like shit if I have to help.
Yeah man, I answer those with strongly disagree, not because I can't but rather that I don't give a fuck enough to.
I got a 22 and answered honestly wtf, I call bullshit
Ha, Aspie.
I got 36. So I guess I'm not completely retarded
So you're a either pussy that empathizes with everything or you're autistic. 2016, man.
I got a 69, honestly I'm surprised... I thought I was way more empathetic.
4/80 but i have samsung so rip
46 here.
If we're the degenerates, why the hell are you here?
Shit i found it
captain autismo reporting for duty
67. I keep my whiteknight posting urges to myself, however.
I care too much... help me Sup Forumsros
Autismo Anonymous Arriving
12, and I thought I had a lot of empathy.
Check em, faggots.
Answered honestly, I should off myself
fucking normalfag
So what?
A child a could cheat these tests.
Summer is truly here
I thought a lack of empathy was more associated with being psycho. Like serial killers have no empathy
Isn't Sup Forums (excluding newfags and summerfags) full of psychos and autists? Yes.
That is nonsense, but that's what happens when your only source on a subject is pop culture.
Was honest for this one.
Was going to do another to get an extremely autistic score.
See no need now.
Pics or didn't happen
Psychotics tend to take advantage of empathy to harm and manipulate people. They often have above average levels of empathy.
I don't give a fuck. I legitimately hate people and want jus about everyone to die, including me. Not suicidal, just done with life and no hope for humanity.
also reeeee
Answered honestly and now I'm an aspie
I just like to watch people suffer.
Xd funny me me, user!
Also check'd
damn... got real close to.
>trying this hard to fit in
In fact, some psychopaths have managed to have to great lives because they know how to play people, which requires a large degree of empathy to accomplish.
Six. I guess I wasn't expecting much, but still. Is there any hope for me?
You are just a disgusting edge lord. Fucking kill yourself.
Or mimicking empathy, not actually feeling bad for others
>trying hard to fit in by stating that someone is trying to fit in
>is there any hope for me?
>calls user an "edge lord"
No. There is no hope. Die in a fire.
Like I said, not suicidal. Have you ever just thought, eh, fuck it. I've done enough in life. I've seen enough, so I'm ready?
I could die tonight in my sleep, tomorrow in a car accident, whatever. I just don't care.
>im being a newfag and no one can stop me
Happens mate. Thanks for the intuitive advice.
(Also, I will check those for you. Nice quads)
That can't be good
Also checked
Gotta white Knight sometimes
fucking newfag.
Oh Captain My Captain.
I got 43
>Stop green typing on the chan nigger kike
>I'm a 4channer now, rite?
7th grade faggot here
>not using adblock
what the fuck? it's 2016
This is what I thought the psychopath can mimic empathy but doesn't actually have it. If they had it they wouldn't hurt and manipulate people for self centered reasons. But to accomplish this you have to a brain better than an autists brain
> not realizing it's fake
Sure, he may be ignorant af, or he may actually care about content makers.
This feels so dirty.
Yeah that's what I meant
Or just a 30 year old that honestly doesn't care if you live or die, if I live or die, or if anyone else lives or dies.
28. Eh, so what?
it's clearly fake, but fucking uninstalling adblock for a screenshot?
he's in incognito bruh, disables extensions
beat my 7, or did my 7 beat your 4?
You never moved passed 7th grade faggot haha
Same, 22. I guess my wife is right.
ah i didn't notice that, thanks for pointing it out
top fucking kek
Go to bed. I'm sure your mom and dad are regulating your Internet usage.
Like I give a fuck,
Ass burgers
No they don't I use private browsing checkmate homo
i'm slightly autismo
that's like cyborg level right?
ITT: /r9k/
So that's where my original question comes in. Psychos lack empathy, know how it works and use it to advantage, but don't have it. Psychos are not autists. Test says lacking empathy is autistic.
>over 30 on OP's test detected
gtfo, unwanted minority
so is basically everyone over 30 a giant fagcuck?
Fuck man
Well I didn't realize that I was dealing with an absolute pussy destroyer. I'll see myself out
Your Empathy Quotient score was 36 out of a possible 80.
Scores above 30 are generally not indicitive of an Autism Spectrum disorder.
you sound autistic as fuck
Yeah, doesn't make sense, but lacking empathy is a bit of an autistic quality
Kys niggerfaggot ass sneeze.
Also check me
There are sites better suited for them.
Without them, you wouldn't see a lot of the faggotry you see now. "MODS" and that "reply or X" shit immediately come to mind.
I got a 20.
Funnily enough, I know i don't have autism.
I guess that means I'm just an asshole.
That's cool I guess.