RAID HIM Sup Forums
RAID HIM Sup Forums
FUCK OFF FAGGOT. What, are you sad they wouldn't let you be in the picture?
This pic makes me think that Hitler gassed the wrong Jews
also you have to be 15 tops to have something against any of these kids.
are these posts meant to be jokes, or are there really morons out there who think Sup Forums is some kind of rabid dog they can let loose at will on people they don't like?
bumping for kekz
Just go beat them up irl OP
Sorry! The Sup Forums you think of full of crazy anonymous hackers doesn't exist....
That niglets hair annoys me
this is what Sup Forums has turned into
Sup Forums is not your personal army you fucking cocktrumpet.
fuck off
Go back to 9gag newfag
Looks like a cool group of guys. You jelly, OP?
How about instead of personal army requests, you get yourself out there so you too can have a group of friends to take instagram photos with?
did the little guy fuck your girl op?
How many followers have YOU got, OP?
WTF is wrong with you guys? If you guys are as good as you say you are, then go hack them. NOW DO IT! DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO!
I am good. I followed him, liked all his posts and sent a message warning him of a jealous little faggot trying to bring him down, but not to worry too much.
He said thanks and followed me back.
fucking lost