Guys you got to help me...

Guys you got to help me. I was on Kik and this girl is threatening to spread my nudes if o don't join her site is this fucking real?


& is YOUR kik your legal name or is there a face to your cock yet?

Were you dumb enough to give her your real name?

Get the fuck out of dodge

KiK messenger

Probably asked for full body nude, had something similar but was smart and nothing happened


Yes I was an idiot and gave her my name and I fucking gave her face with cock. I'm a fucking idiot I know.

Kek, We need to see the pics you are getting blackmailed with so we can asses the damages?

for real? why were you sending nude pics of yourself? You some kind of pervert?

Give us their kik user, let's give them a big welcome.

I am stalling right now. Is there anything I can do?

Well either give in or or just stop talking to her and hope she is bluffing

Also what is your age?

Are you just some random shmo? If so, nobody will care about your nudes online. Report & block.


Her kek is fuckingshet.(I can't believe I didnt notice her username) met her through chat&match

Yeah, this is really only a problem for women. Nobody cares about a naked dude on the internet.

OP you could just give us their kik


I am not a smart man.

It is illegal for her to spread them if you are in the USA. If you don't know who she is, FIND OUT. Keep all evidence and go to the police. You can press charges and fuck HER life.

Tell her that your father is a georgian diplomat, and thus if she post nudes or even discredit you she is legally threatening Georgia and thus there shall be "special treatment" reserved to her.

tell her also that not a vpn or some sort of proxy would protect the real dude and that if she does that she become a ennemy of a wealthy government.

or some shit like that

give me the kik
they can post my nudes all day OP
ill trash these bitches

dude, what were you thinking. this is the most retarded shit i've ever seen. threaten prosecution if she doesn't lay off, then block her.

I'm 21. She's threatening to post on Ellen degeneres Facebook page.

literally illegal, probably in most places. just tell her that she'll be committing a crime and that you'll sue her ass. if she doesn't let up, just block her. there's literally nothing she can actually do.

...why Ellen though?

Got your back mate

what a pussy
wahhh its illegal waahhh
call the cops ??? just KYS faggot

just say
''lol you obviously don't know who you're dealing with here, practically everyone I know has seen my dick and knows what I'm like, hahahaha do what ever you want''

My sides are in orbit

I'm with you to Sup Forumsro

No fucking clue why she's posting it to Ellen. This was my bluff.

you sir are a man amongst Sup Forumsoys

oh my god

dude, just report and block, escalating isn't gonna help you

I gotchu

hey OP your beta is showing

lol dumb nigger... i mean you could go to the cops with it.. and see if they can find "her" out.. lmao

this will do

Tell her you are 17, she wouldnt dare post CP

Her reply.

tell her to go for it. really. just say it.

"ok, go ahead."

take your shit like a man op.

Everyone just bombard her with memes and tell her shes fucking up

The admins of the Ellen page will just delete it. Also, you can just untag/report the image when she does post it. There's literally no threat here. Stop acting like a baby. Report and block.

Whoever this is, she sounds kind of unhinged

I would just block her and move on honestly. Even if she can actually post them (I don't believe it'll happen), who fucking cares? She'll probably be blocked from the Ellen page or whatever. This is a non issue.

lol fuck dude, Facebook instantly deletes shit like that.. Don't buy it, just tell him to fuck off

>call a cops


Op your first reply should've been

"Go ahead my nudes are already all over the internet"


Who gives a shit faggot. No one thinks exchanging nudes is perverted anymore. Let her spread em. You can say that it's a form of rape and turn yourself into a SJW martyr. That's assuming anyone of worth will give a shit, which they won't, because no one gives a fuck what your dick looks like. Block her and move on you retard.

whats her site? lets fuck with her site.


Now here's someone who has their thinking cap on.

Though I assume OP was dumb enough to give her his age.


these anons are correct

No boy is that hairy, not even the goats that the arab boys are molesting are that hairy

Can i have the kik? I want to share my illegal memes.

MFW I've been blackmailed on skype.
Instantly told them to crack on.
Posted pic to my bro.
He took and a couple of other lads made a joke of it and took the piss for a bit.
It's not even a big deal OP.

Op, whats her site?

Their kik is fuckingshet

I did what you guys said, and just reported and blocked her. Honestly after calming down I realize that I shouldn't have lost my shit like I did. I'm fucking tired how I react to certain situations like that.

Fuck, I need to stop being such a pussy.

But didn't anyone get any replies from her with the memes?

Can you post that pic please, the fucking casual one, thanks user

No problem my friendo

Everyone spam the fucking casual pic to their kik: fuckingshet


Yo Sup Forumsro I got your back

MFW some random autistic gets his own personal army on Sup Forums




Go away evil dogger


Go away evil dogger

Send her that fbi tip screenshot
And also say you 17 like other user said.

Go away evil dogger

If he says that he will get charged for distribution of child porn.


Go away evil dogger

Oh my!

Go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger.

Take these pics to the cops.

>tfw hivemind activated

looka Photoshoped and i bet u can just say it was

But he's not 17. He's just saying.

Go away evil dogger

James here, from a different thread.
Anyway, should I just do what I do?


Blackmail is illegal as fuck most places.

>ball hanging into the bowl

dunno why but this pic made me kek


We have kik blackmailed threads, but are mad at a chick for doing the same thing? I don't get you b/tards

go away evil dogger

"she" is attacking one of our own. Cant have that bro.

i only see one ball brah

What are you doing, James?

No way you are the james with the autistic messages.

go away evil dogger

None of 'us' would ever reply with bro ....
Stupid newfag