Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


When do you pick Blitz over Thresh?

guess my elo


Let me guess, you watch tyler1, trick2g, and sirchez. Kill yourself

my nigga

i used to main blitz until i changed to thresh

Why do people think all Udyr players like Trick? I think he's a cunt.

ezreal best champ

Thresh is life

Thresh is love


best girl

cutest resets

Nautilus 4 life

its chunky as shit and you need cleanse ignite so you need to rely on teammates to leapfrog for propper engagements

its jump landing etc should be point and click within a radius of target etc

almost as bad as aatroxs aa or his e ugh

likewise pantheons w should function the same as this for kats jump, requiring sight of target if scared of balance

gp taliyah irelia

aka dota port meta feat aatrox

>still the best moba

Just the easiest carry out of my pool.
Notice you didn't give up a pic tho, bronze bitch

cant believe people still play that trash game

Quads tell the truth

well done

Kat is CUTE




1.30 m and in bronze?What the fuck

only akali





