You may only post in this thread if your country is in the European Union
Not so fast UK and Switzerland
You may only post in this thread if your country is in the European Union
Not so fast UK and Switzerland
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You put the wrong flag up there m8. I fixed it for ya.
nice flag you have there sweden
>Of course it had to be the flag of Cuckistan to post this.
Go back to your cuckolding sessions with your wife Ingrid and house dindu Tyrone.
The number of stars does not correlate with the number of members.
The EU without the Uk has lost 33% of its value
fuck you and fuck this union
Feel free to not take its subsidies and fundings anytime, kurwa.
How retarded are you? You would be as poor as Moldova if you weren't in the EU
and 33% of its muslims
Nigga doesn't poland get a shitload of money from the EU
And isn't the EU also the reason why poles come over to western europe and make more money than they ever could in poland?
>mfw the eu is trying to spin it to seem that the uk is fucked
France and Germany have way more than the UK though.
>amerifat education
Please, leave the thread. This is EU members only.
>implying their most important economic sector isn't completely fucked, with foreign companies moving to germany and france instead
but don't worry, i'm sure the irish will save their english and welsh friends from the great potato famine in a few years though
>european union
his is this the thread for poor people?
The UK are techinally still is part of the EU. We voted to leave but that shit takes a while to actually implement.
The European Union is a globalist syndicate. Somebody should make a thread for real Europeans.
Quick lads, I'm off to Gibraltar tomorrow on work: ideas for shirts? EU flag shirt? "your vote matters, Gibraltar" stamped?
This is an English speaking website.
I do speak English -.-
I know, you can still rejoin.
Please come back
Sorry lad, official Muslim countries not allowed here. Fucking off
The UK is still in the EU you bunch of fucking idiots.
nigel is so based feel so comfy round him famo
Best union.
Fuck haters.
We won't after we leave.
>10 years from now EU is only Germany+Benelux
>In the end everyone secedes from Merkel and Schultz
>they sit in a blue-painted patch of dirt 2 by 2 meters behind some Bavarian barn in the middle of nowhere
>still trying desperately to invite refugees
puking tb h
Last time I checked, the UK is still in the EU.
Voting to leave doesn't mean we've left yet, idiots.
Almost half the people who voted didn't even wan't to leave. There's a massive division in the UK right now, the whole thing is a complete mess. I almost wish the remain calm did win.
>EU is only Germany+Benelux
What this Union should've been in the first place. No southern and eastern leeches.
EU fucks with our efficiency through Germany-tailored regulations. Besides trade union I don't care about anything. Subsidies are laced with debt.
>le poor
le cuck
>still trying desperately to invite refugees
he's brainwashed and prolly just wants the poo poo ahmet benis in his arse cuz he's uggo as fucc or something he simply is not #kurwa-tier based like cerebrally healthy people.
Here's my country's theme:
Don't you have a Starcraft stream to attend Kim Yong Yang
>I care more abortion than raising the living standard of my fellow human beings
Move to the UK and stay there, you don't belong in the EU
Will Belgium ever recover from that burn.
Captain Sweden, you can't even read. Our economy would be less bound by regulations meant for economies like Germany or Northern Italy than us. My argument is economical in nature.
Illegal here anyway. Like I care either way. I don't bareback random kurwas I wouldn't wife.
>Our economy would be less bound by regulations
Didn't prevent Ireland whoring out itself to IT multinationals did it, you dumb potato fuck?
What country were you from before Sweden took you in?
I honestly don't think the EU matters anymore now that America's fatherland has left. Come, England, and join us. but you can leave london, we dont need that dark skinned state.
It's not something anyone here took seriously seeing as it came from Farage