>sing at a concert
>get shot
what is wrong with americans?
>sing at a concert
>get shot
what is wrong with americans?
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Okay, which one of you deranged mother fuckers was it
it has to have been a btard or a robot
She probably did some fucked up shit that public doesn't know about.
Most likely a shitty person who knows how to play the innocent role very well.
We like shooting things we disagree with.
I'm sorry you're some pussy Yurotrash that surrenders at the first sign on conflict.
What is wrong with Brits? Remember Lee Rigby?
>>what is wrong with Americans?
Few hundred years ago we brought this special breed of chimp over from Africa and it didn't blend well with our climate
>what is wrong with america?
What's wrong with Denmark?
Never forget fuck the pakis
Nothing? Nothing major, at least.
I'm an American an I agree with OP. The shit going on in America anymore is ridiculous. We shouldn't be so immune to shootings but we are because it happens every fucking day
Don't you have a Bernie rally to go to? Violence is in EVERY culture. It's more humane to be shot. In fact, when one decides to murder someone with a gun, they're being very thoughtful.
The number of guns an American has is inversely proportional to his IQ.
This is why I am voting for Hillary Clinton.
She has vowed to continue the work of her husband and move forward with a sweeping gun ban in the US. Republicans condone, and are responsible for these mass shootings, and think that some 200+ year old document is more important than victim's lives.
but they dindu nuffin
we luvs our guns and Rush and Fox nooz tells us that them demecrats wants to take our guns and that they hate the little baby jesus. Trump 2016!
thats fucking norway mate
Good god, Americans.
You're a huge faggot
Breaking news!
local user pretends to be retarded, and everybody thinks he is retarded!
Who??? Fuckoff with your nobody bullshit.
You mean, turn America into Chicago? Hell, our nigger in chief will not return to his townhome.
not true! guns are good because reasons, i mean freedom and reasons, also guns, I mean weapons because self defense, reasons, 'mmmurica
At least she went out with a bang.
Maybe if she sang better, she'd still be alive.
so true though..
>Grimmie was performing with the band “Before You Exit”
>Before You Exit
American has a nigger problem, *NOT* a gun problem. (pic related) According to the CDC niggers commit most "gun homicides" (as well as others) in the U.S.
But you SJWs think a stat like that is 'racist' so instead you try to invent a new bogey man by falsely blaming it on the guns. Killing another human being takes conscious thought. A gun does not have this.
Forgot pic.
>all i do about the problem is anonymously complain
Weird cause black people have been fine in the other countries that migrated to, maybe it's the systematic racism dumb fucks like you put on them.
For all the autistic losers in this thread crying that this is a "nigger" problem, read a fucking textbook. Gun violence is a poverty problem. Blacks exist in disproportionate amounts in impoverished areas because of hundreds of years of gentrification. Of course most of these shooters are black, but it's not "BEKUZ NIGGARZ", it's because of poverty.
Seriously, sociology is not a liberal conspiracy.
go suck trumpie's dick jethro
>t. white race traitor
Holy shit a sign of intelligent life on Sup Forums.
correlates to poverty way more than race go kys
> Education in sociology = race traitor.
It's cool, keep shouting slogans instead of thinking things through. It suits you well.
Racism? You realize the niggers are killing each other at record numbers while calling each other niggers the entire time.
protip: There are more whites in poverty, than blacks.
You're feelz aren't based in reality, and can't counter facts.
is there video of the shooting?
>what are percentages
>lrn2math faggot
go back to Sup Forums and stormfront, people aren't so gullible here
No, it does not
>what is fact check
I love the way he held up his hands after brutally killing someone
> putting on a show
> get blown up
What is wrong with French people?
(not pro hillary) I wish i had link to back this up, but it's been shown that people who own guns in chicago bought them by visiting black markets only a few hours outside of chicago. I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'd be willing to bet the results would be a bit different if there was a federal ban (of which I don't agree we should be advocating for)
See 13:55+
>republicans are the cause of all gun violence
Ok well I expected you to say something retarded, but that's a whole new level.
I'm not going to watch 60 min of that and it's not even credible. Go be a hater somewhere else.
>waiting on a train
>get blown up
>omg gotta call my bff Jill!
The fuck is wrong with you Brussels?
Her last youtube video had a gunshot at the end. Illuminate confirmed
Yup, only data from the FBI, the US Census Bureau and the CIS.
You just don't want to hear facts.
Blacks make up around 14% of the entire US population.
Whites poverty rate is 13%, while blacks are 33%. Since whites are a much bigger portion of the population, the actual numbers of people living in poverty are far greater than actual numbers of blacks.
Now, blacks commit a ton more homicides (both with and without guns), proves that blacks are more prone to violence than whites. The poverty thing is a non-issue, since there are clearly far more whites in poverty than blacks just by the population size differences.
Sorry SJWs, but the facts don't support your bullshit ideas.
Niggers and liberals who arent allowed to own guns are responsible for the VAST majority of shootings in America in gun free zones.
>walking down the street
>get hacked to pieces by Muslim
The fuck is wrong with you England?
Can't handle truth & reality. You millennials are in for a rude awakening, but what would expect from a group that the ultimate cuck as their lord & savior.
But I'll break it down for you:
The poverty rate correlates NEGATIVELY (-0.59) to the crime rate. It's not even fucking positive
Please drink some bleach you liberal retard.
I find it interesting how so many people instinctively honor an "eye for an eye" philosophy when it comes to punishing a crime *after* the fact, and demand blood justice, etc.
But, here's a guy who murders a popular singer, and then immediately pays his debt - killing himself.
Why are you not appeased?
>Sitting on a train
>Get sent to death camp
What is wrong with you germans
>Whites poverty rate is 13%, while blacks are 33%
>HURR: I like to make up bullshit figures that I pull out of my ass.
>celebrating new years
>get raped by mass of screaming Muslims
The fuck is wrong with you Germany
Found the nigger
So? Most American niggers live at or below the poverty line. Which means you suck at making money and not shooting each other over shoes.
Was she killed by a black guy?
So, in the case of zero guns, IQ = undefined? Sounds about right...
>Running marathon get blown up
>Whats wrong with you muslims?
"Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest right of nonmetro poverty"
>tryharder / 10
>the suspect, whom police have not yet identified
Interesting because if he was a white male they would be all over this. But if the media is hesitant to disclose their race, they're almost certainly black.
Be a good Goy and keep voting straight-ticket (D), faggot. Enjoy the government quartering Somalian refugees in your home halfway through Hilldog's first term.
>so fucking stupid this one
So, the interesting thing about this is that it tells us nothing about cause, only outcomes.
I went to school with people of every color. Had coworkers the same. Competed for the same resources. Some of them did better than me, some worse.
Does the graph show discrimination? Or does it demonstrate who is better at certain stuff? I don't really know, and I don't think you do either.
>not judging people on their own actions
>The rate is much higher because there are much fewer black folk in total
>Not knowing how proportions work
Someone skipped 6th grade math class to deal drugs.
Highest percentage.
Percentage of Whites in the US = 62.6%
Percentage of Blacks in the US = 13.8%
So let's use 1,000 as a total population number of a smaller size so this will be easier for you to grasp.
Out of the 1,000 people:
626 of them are white
138 of them are black
236 of them are "other races including Hispanic"
Of those 626 whites 81 of them are in poverty.
Of those 138 blacks 46 of them are in poverty.
Therefore, there are almost TWICE as many whites in poverty as blacks. 81 Whites, 46 blacks. Your poverty argument has been shattered.
You are correct. Unfortunately nobody is going to be changing their circumstances anytime soon because they see any kind of improvement or education as selling out and embrace "poverty culture" as black culture. How do you fix that? If you take away their handouts they cry about you declaring war on the black man. If you don't they settle into complacency and wait for their food stamps and welfare.
LBJ's "Great Society" didn't solve their problems. It made them permanent.
And before you go all batshit "thats racist" on me: it's not racist to acknowledge that Kenyans have disproportionately high numbers of amazing damned runners compared to pretty much anyone else.
It's also not racist to acknowledge that they have disproportionately low numbers in the IQ department - not by a very big margin, but it's more than a statistical anomaly.
Those are both just observations about what is, not moral judgments or bigotry. I don't hate people who are a little smarter or a little dumber any more than I hate people who are a little faster or slower. But I refuse to wear blinders about what the facts really are just because it might not be fashionable.
>So let's use 1,000 as the total population
>doesn't realize that the US population is 319 Million, which will vastly effect his math.
You can say Sup Forums and stormfront all you want but what he said was true. More than anything else they kill one another and good luck finding one that doesn't say "nigger" 10 times a day.
fucking americans
>keep voting straight-ticket (D), faggot.
been doing it since the first Clinton and will continue to do it until I die.
>what are proportions?
I can't tell if you're genuinely stupid or if this is low quality bait.
1/10 for making me reply.
LOL - you gonna owe somebody some beer when she gets indicted, dill-weed!
did you fail 4th grade math?
When the shooter killed himself.
Try again nig nog
>LOL - you gonna owe somebody some beer when he gets indicted, dill-weed!
What are you even talking about?
The Trump College scandal is close to breaking wide open, and will dwarf the 'allegations' that republicunts are making against Hillary. It has been found out that Trump has been bribing federal prosecutors, and judges to make this go away.
Hillary will look like a saint when this story breaks.
if I'm not mistaken, is this the same case that involved some mexican judge from indiana?
Niggers and liberals
>Surrenders at he first sign of conflict.
Yeah, because whe absolutely didn't caused two world wars.
niggers and inbred republicans