New to LoL, buying my first 1350ip champ

New to LoL, buying my first 1350ip champ
Wondering which I should get?
Stuck between Twisted Fate, Jax or Tryndamere.
help Sup Forums


Build him with triforce, gunblade and guisoos and u g

>League of Legendary Faggots

Trynd ult op.

Tryn is for n00b, get Jax

Thanks guys I appreciate the info

i mean i kinda am a noob lol

add me OP. I play on NA.
Rough World

added washbrook45

go dota all heroes are free there . play a real moba faggot

u poor fam?

pssh fuck dota 2
warcraft bullshit
I play LoL and FFXIV

double dubs speaks the truth!
< OP samefag

OP here, btw since I got you guys here.
How do you get Runes? I've never even gotten one.

I tried DOTA 2... I can see the appeal but I couldn't really have fun with it.

damn im on a roll!

you both are faggots . have you ever heard of arcana sets
in dota you can create your own skins
and it is not a just splash art it looks really cool

You have to buy them from the shop

ive just never been a fan of warcraft or wow


seriously FUCK OFF let him play whatever he wants

play DOTA 2. it's a lot better

you fuck off faggot . this is not reddit

DotA 4 life

I play dota, I fucking love it and i have over 3k hours on it. I played lol for 100 hours with friends and yes its easier, but it doesn't justify bringing up dota in a thread about LoL, you just did that to be annoying

if you get any of this ill fucking murder you
youre new so get annie easy to play OP as fuck simple nigga

lol just sucks

Forget tier 2 champs. They are good, but fail in comparison to tier 3 champs. Get malzahar, or karthus. Easy to use, and you'll wreck face.

Jax.just got super buffed with itemization. You'll be rolling all over top lanes face while they type "Jax so balanced. Thanks for ruining League Riot" in all chat

you just said get karthus.

Uninstall now

Save up for wukong I used him every game top or jg and went from b5 to G5, easiest champ to snowball as and carry in bronze

Twisted Fate is the best champ of them, he ult can teleport anywhere, and do a lot of damage in lategame

Learn to play Teemo properly and you'll win every game