Are my look an issue? Girls from Kik threads always ignore me...

Are my look an issue? Girls from Kik threads always ignore me, I can't find a gf in the real world and online dating such as okcupid and tinder made me feel like complete shit and I've never even had a date or kiss. I feel like my chances don't exist and it's really depressing. Please respond if you're a femanon.

I am 23 btw this feels so abnormal

show cock OP, how tall r u

I'm 5'9" so not super tall but here's the c0ck

must be the star in the background, chicks don't like jews


Do you ever go to bars or social places?

You do give off that "I'm a huge fucking faggot hungry for cock" vibe.

You should stop being such a faggot.

Yes but not by myself really

Do you flirt/talk with girls at these social situations?

Nah cause they don't seem very flirtatious towards me haha they have straight up hit on my friends tho

I have seen uglier shitfests get action OP. You just got to be confident. Chicks dig that

You don't seem to be ugly.
Do you feel like being boring sometimes ? Do you speak with special acent or whatever ??
Do you often apologize ? Are you self-confident enough when you talk to girls ?

There must be something

Newfags probably don't remember you posting your shit here everyday. But honestly OP you're not a bad looking guy. in fact you're pretty good looking (hit up your local talent agency and try to model or something). From what you typed up though you're probably just a beta, bluepill fag and women don't like that at all.

Go read up from TheRedPill subreddit and get your shit together. Obtaining women starts with mastering yourself, whether that involves hitting the gym, honing your craft, or whatever it is that will establish you as you, a man. Women don't want to be around some loser that doesn't really have much going on and if she does she's probably ugly or fat or not the type of woman you want.

Seriously, women want you the most when you aren't very concerned about them because you know how can have them, and if you can't, well that's fine too because your mind isn't controlled by pussy, most women's only weapon. Really try to open your eyes and realize that most women are good for nothing, OP. I mean don't become some total misogynistic fuck, but definitely take them off the pedestal.

Make a first move if your ever want to get a girl. Girls don't want to be seen as slutty so there not going to go after you.

legit all i've said to girls on tinder was, "hey my dick is pierced, wanna hook up?" and i've got laid. so you should be able to meet someone if you talk to them a bit.

Maybe it's a confidence thing and me blaming my looks when it probably isn't?

Yep i think that.
Some uglier people than you fuck girls, and some ugly women could still flirt with you, even if you said no, so it's something that happened when you begin to talk to them.
Don't try to speak too much, you could be quickly ennoying. And don't say shit.

Brandon how fucking autistic are you? Why do you have to post the same thread every single day?

Fuck off and start going outside for a change

Ignore Brandon threads, newfags

You look nice , it's probably your personality that sucks

good god I haven't seen this thread in a while. I have to admit I think the never-ending-shitpost is worse.

You look malnourished and depressed.

Eat more, get a girlfriend and cheer up, then maybe you'll be able to get a girlfriend.