Sup Sup Forums

sup Sup Forums

I've posted before, same drill, I'm sure some have seen the post. I'm looking to pay a fem user or two to do some private camwhoring for me. Anything sent to me will be held in confidence, and pay can be up into the triple digit range, more or less depending on looks/what you're into. The more fit the better, but I don't expect to find a perfect 10/10, if I do, sweet, let me know and we'll work something out. I expect to find a 7 or 8.

Age doesn't matter to me, as long as you're below 30, beyond that I couldn't care less how old you are. I can pay via paypal, amazon, mailing a check, steam games, whatever, doesn't matter to me.

If any fems are interested, let me know and I'll post my email. In the meantime, Imma dump some pictures of girls I find attractive for my Sup Forumsros. Feel free to ask any questions.

tl;dr looking for some femanons to do some personal camwhoring, will pay.

I'll leave my contact info while I dump.

kik: wasinizate
email: [email protected]












No shoots in person? and are masks allowed?

If she lived near enough to travel, I'd consider in person, I've done it before with a few girls and it was honestly a lot of fun. As for masks, I prefer not, but if they need to, yeah it's cool. I'm looking at your body anyways.


Do the photographers usually get to fuck the girl? and does that affect the pay?

Depends on the girl, I have with some, haven't with others. And it does, obviously they'd get more for that.












Don't have the source or I would, sorry m8. Everything I get here is from other 4cahn posts :/










Herp derp


