Fluffy abuse thread

fluffy abuse thread

What would fluffies be like if hasbio wasn't raided by peta? Stronger without shit everywhere?

Blood , blood for the love of God



Yes yes yes!!!!!!!!



Someone needs to draw this




8/8, comic isn't done yet. Expect more panels within a few days.


my fluff is ready

Common don't die!!

Fluffy kebabs here! Get your fluffy kebabs here!


Bumping cuz the little shits deserve it

bump to the max

Moonman hangs a fluffy.

Fav gif.


Moonman doing what he does best, rapping and killing niggers




Guys I just thought of something:
What if a fluffy was introduced to BLACK spaghetti?
You know, the one with squid ink?


for the fluffies the only skettis is the pasta with the red colored sauce (this could be tomato sauce, ketchup, foal blood, anything red)


So I just have a guy with gonorrhea piss in a bowl of macaroni and they'll take it?

yes, they will

Yes, basically. They'd resemble alicorns in intelligence and bowel control.
Those are supposedly the original fluffies that went through the most testing and quality assurance all other newer fluffy types are derived from.

Do you think they could talk normally/have a breed of grammatically correct fluffies or was the "fwuffy tawk" made to make them childlike and cute







always wondered why he's talking in broken english instead of russian

Get on heree


fwuffy nu unnastand

For the sake of making him Russian with us understanding it. It's like why in a movie it takes place in x location but instead of speaking their language they have the language the audience understands but with their accent



So, anybody got some "bump" Fluffy stuff to dump?

Don't blue balls me, post the rest man


That was pretty gay.

>"I-I-I-I don't want to hurt it! ;_;"

Straight faggotry.



"Comic isn't done yet"

You have to wait for the artist to make the rest of it.


Anybody got some smarty abuse?


thats pretty good stuff



Awesome. I can't wait to see this little blue bastard finally get what is coming to him.


i always wondered if the fluffy mom is being sincere or is just scared