Well Sup Forums I'm fucked

Well Sup Forums I'm fucked

>Be 19 yr old youngfag
>Grow up in mormon house
>Love parents but they're mormon and I'm not
>Old enough to go on mormon mission
>Would rather die than go, but if I don't go parents will hate me and not pay for school
>Got letter in the mail of where and when I'm supposed to go on a mission
>haven't opened it yet
>Too beta to tell parents I can't go

What do friendos

Tell the honest truth, take your lumps, move on with your life. If you haven't done it already, start saving every fucking penny you get your claws on and start applying for grants and scholarships to go to school... which I hope is not going to be BYU...

Mormons can be easier than say.... Christians or jw. Just tell them. Say you love them, but that you're not ready to commit to a religion

Just talk to your parents

do a 360 degree turn and walk away !

Mormons are way more strict than Christians. Mormons won't even question what they believe at all. It keeps them from realizing that it is all a lie.

I hope you get your suit pushed in by boko haram


I was raised mormon, quit after a school year abroad. Your folks will still care for you either way. If they dont, fuck em.

It's obvious that you've been pushed into submitting everything without wanting to.

Just tell your parents you truly aren't ready for such a large commitment to something you don't strongly believe in. If they give you shit talk to your bishop. They don't need/want missionaries that don't want to be there.

Fuck one of the horny single moms in your ward. Get excommunicated. Worked for me.

Dubs don't lie

The ones I know seem really chill but I've heard some pretty wacky stuff about how quickly they'll ostracize people who don't drink the kool-aid.

>man up
>pay your dues
>go on mission
>realize its not that bad to do things u dont want to do for other people
>esp if those people are your parent paying for ur college cause u were too stupid to study in school and earn ur own tuition
>go to college
>get out of college debt free
>tell ur parents mormonism is for fools

You should go. You'll get to learn a language and while you are looking fo rconverts you can cruise for chick.

its really win/win

Don't go. Don't go to school. Or pay for it yourself. Forge your own path.

tldr quit being a bitch

You sound like a little fucking bitch. In life you have to do things other people want in order to get what you want. If you want your parents to pay for your fucking school you spoiled little cunt then do something they want.

Join the army.

Ausfag mormon here, I didn't serve a mission and regret not going . . . like other user said just talk to them and explain how you feel

I refused to go on a mission and joined the Army instead, so I went on a mission for Uncle Sam yeah....but it was a way better mission than for the church.

Also I stopped going to church at that point and have not been back. I still have a good relationship with my parents even though they know I don't believe in fairy tales.

This. Consider the Mormon mission to be a paid vacation or something.

Sure it's horrible for you but you might pickup people skills.

Why don't you open the letter & figure out if it might be a nice place to go before you start whining?

You want permission to not go.....DON'T GO!

There you have it. Why spread a religion you don't believe in?

Do you really want to spend the next 2 years of your life lying to people and getting them to join a stupid church and waste their lives as well as 10% of their income that can be saved or spent on bills?

You don't want to do it so don't.

Man the fuck up, you may have to pay your own way through university but so many other have to also.