Hey guys, need some help here

Hey guys, need some help here

My girlfriend is going on and on about this movie she saw when she was little

All she knows is it was about 2 bears that were brothers (It's not Brother Bear though), they somehow lose their mother, and there's some shit about a broken magic mirror that prevents them from ever seeing their mother again

If anyone knows what the hell it is, I'll gladly post nudes of her

Pic unrelated

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Animated right?

Yeah, and the animation style consists of very thin, fine lines apparently

What was the year range in which she watched it?
like when was she a kid

That would be A Serbian Film. You're welcome, user.


Work in progress guess would be Santa and the three bears, but I'm still looking

She watched it in 2001, made before that point
Thats what appears to be a snuff film
Already asked, it's not that one

newborn porn!

seriously a date range would help, like even just a range of 5 years would be great