No cringe? Yes cringe!

No cringe? Yes cringe!

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking sick
>wait for it

Cool fucking shirt, opie. I would actually wear it.

Shirt isn't cringe


Love that shirt. Not a shitty print but the print is the shirt.

Op is just jealous

It's got all ma mains on it

It's got all of 'em on it ye fag.


Wtf, why did you download this shit two times?

That's not cringe though. It's not perfect, but it's not cringe either.


To be sure he's got it, newfag detected.

This guys a got a job, hobbies, and he's not scared to talk talk to the ladies; sounds like he's doing better most fags here in Sup Forums.

Oh wait the characters repeat themselves.
Gay as fuck.

Look at teh ducktape poner

Is this individual autistic?

Somewhat OC.

I remember these words.


All I see is a typical blundershy

i fucking hate blundershy


I have three assholes open for you bub, pick one and fuck it.

user why do you have twenty-four copies of this image?



that pig would have the most American bacon

What kind of cuckery is this?


hello darkness my old friend
wake me up inside again

That's not cringe, that's alpha as fuck, he beat people 2s his size down

thats a cool shirt. the cringey part is wearing it in public. I would get that (if it wasnt expensive) to wear to bed and around the house when I have no where to go.

Number 3.

it looks like a prank on a flatmate, notice that everything else is normal, only things that could be put up within minutes for a prank (posters) are the edgy part

These two kids are fucking faggots:



That gif is broken, several of the frames repeat multiple times in a standard loop.





I actually think that's a cool shirt, wouldn't wear it everyday tho

>average Bernie fan


Agreed OP, would be cool if it was melee

Is this broken faggot?
>keep checking it eventually changes.



that escalated quickly...

why did those two cunts not stand? :( rustled my jimmies hard

and magnets
and zika
fucking modern technology
keeping worthless genetic material around and reproducing.

Piggy is making America great again

Oh shit I remember this guy



this is no ylyl


alpha as fuck

What are those gifs supposed to do? Trigger epileptic anons?


That's kind of a cute concept but fucking stupid to have permanently engraved on your body, especially that fucking big... Also "Teaguen"? Like "Tee-Gwen"? Kinda name is that?

I bet your mother is happy with the results of her sloppy wombsplosion.

>I don't understand English

sanders lost because his edgyliberal fanbase doesn't realize this kind of shit does NOT help him get support

even if he's the best candidate - if fucking autistic freaks like this support him, I want him to go away


I'm autistic but no epileptic, user.

I think we can agree that the best thing that soldiers can hope for after the election is a civil war upheaval they can join in on.



just some edgelord who thinks he's cool to post images that he thinks will freak people out

13yos love entertainment like that, even though the images are just pointless and retarded
>that user is the real cringe

No habla retardo

at this point I am having trouble telling the biological birth gender of these fat fucks

they all look the same


there's more

He's missing a few tags. If you're gonna get a tat of that, you may as well get it right.

(I know its not you user)...


Ah man, poor kid. His mom probably shoved him out of the door with his older brother who was gonna 'smoke it up' with his sloots and fagbro's.

I bet it's his first fuckin beer as well.

probably mission accomplished for them

>now nobody has to worry about whether they're supposed to be attracted to them based on their gender
>either way, they're sickened



>fuck yea i'd wear it
pic related



No he lost because he refused to do what needed to be done to beat Hilary. He played nice with the Dems instead of implementing a scorched earth policy because he's one of those politicucks who believe in lesser-evilism. The Dems and the general mainstream political infrastructure played dirty and made it impossible to win running that kind of campaign. He failed his supporters by not going for the jugular and taking that evil neoliberal cunt Hilary to task.

Christ Hillary is looking a bit ragged here.

Something about this picture just makes me feel bad for him

kids, kids... you're both right. there are many reasons he failed.


A fair kek

That gut has seen more than one beer.
He's also done his hair and got ok clothes on. He's just a fat fuck baby face and not focusing on the pic being taken.

Is it even physically fucking possible to walk past this abomination and NOT raise your eyebrows in sheer disgust?!


>This isn't working for some reason
>You brought this upon yourself
>i will rape u


probably because most of us can related

>be a young teenager
>ugly for some reason
>(overweight, nerdy, no social skills, autistic, etc.)
>want girls
>be near girls at schools, get togethers, etc.
>no girl even wants to look at you
>feel like foreveralone virgin

i feel sorry for him the same reason i feel sorry when people hurt dogs (but fuck cats). the dog doesn't know any better, and it can't control what happens to it. this little fat kid probably has no control over his diet - he just eats what his parents put in front of him. he has no control over his clothes - his parents buy them for him. he looks like he wants to have fun, but he just doesn't have the tools, and no control over anything that could improve his situation.

all he has are hopes and dreams.

just trying to relax after using half of every drug

>age 27
>epic kek

The fuck is this creature

Thats Howard Stern you fuck twat. Someone ban this underaged faggot please!

Why are they stroking Moat Cailin?


fuck outta here with this