ITT: We post pictures of girls and other anons say how they would rape her

ITT: We post pictures of girls and other anons say how they would rape her

Other urls found in this thread:

must it be a rape?

In between her tits since she's asking for it

nope just tell what you want to do with the girl

grope her tits and run away

fap when i get home




face fuck she and cum in her tits

How would you fuck this long legged bitch

Get her super drunk, then take her out back and fuck her behind a dumpster.





this one aint funny, how old is she? 15?

with my dick

Rape??? I've seen these as "how anons would fuck her" but rape is fuckin weird man.


more of that slut

What would you do to these sluts?

op is just trying to spice up a stale concept


someone should tell her that tattoos are ugly

she and her sister

thanks for postin more , i would tie that bitch and deepthroat her to make that smile disappear ahah

Let's see how creative you Sup Forumsros can get. Will post wins and stories for good stories. What would you do to her? She's 19, super Christian (no birth control), but kinky as hell



any pictures of her wearing a cross or being in church?

i have a certain fetish for sexually acute women who are also expressing devotion to religion by wearing a cross or certain clothing like a hijab etc

got moar of her if any one wants

All of those are at least 20 years too old or look like Jewish Faggots which they probably are.





Wait, is there an age limit on this depravity?

how would you to her?

Are you a fucking 12 year old faggot? Compare any girl from the age of 12-19 with any girl over the age of 19. It is biology that a females body starts to look like shit after age of 19 is passed. I am not trying to advocate pedophilia (wow never thought I'd say this on Sup Forums) nor am I saying that females over the age of 19 cannot look good albeit it being very rare but saying that females over 19 are remotely attractive compared to girls in the age span of 12-19 is just bait.

Think about it from a biological perspective. Females start puberty at age 12 up to age 17. Males one year later. The purpose of sex is recreation. As thus one will find the most fertile individual the most attractive. The most fertile a woman is around the age of 15 which is why no sane heterosexual male would not find a female of the age 15 attractive. Though there will be enough males that will find females of age under or over 15 unattractive.



would rip off her top and toss her to her knees, fuck her mouth and watch her tits jiggle as she struggles, then glaze her face with my cum

Ah so you're an edgy retard. Got it. Cool.



haha never saw that one

that was actually funny

Raep them with Photoshop, see watermark in related pic


I am an edgy baiter by stating truth?

>implying Females do not expierence puberty between the age of 12-17

>implying Hebephilia is not scientifically confirmed to happen in every individual mentally sane male

>implying biological purpose of sex is not reproducing

>implying attractivnes is not supposed to correlate with fertility

>implying attractivnes is not supposed to correlate with genetics

>implying a 15 year olds fertility reaches a higher point in her lifetime

Lol no one's even trying to debate with you faggot. You're literally reeling off a bunch of bullshit no one is even reading.

If you would not debate with my why are you even replying? You do not take the time to read but do reply? That is an oxymoron you little uneducated faggot.

But good that you are admitting again that I am right and you are a trap loving faggot as oyu appearently do not want to admit that you are a Hebephile which elimiinates the possibilty of you being hetereosexual meaning you have to e either a sexual or a trap loving faggot. Or a Jew.

I'd fingerbang her behind a dumpster



Hey user, can you post more of this girl?
She is incredibly hot.


tl;dr for jewish niggers:

>every male not being a hebephile (loving girls around the age 15) cannot be heterosexual

>Trap lovers love traps because they refuse to acknowledge their Hebephilia (their love for 15yr old girls)



I would fart rape all of these girls

What are you, gay?


are there images with less clothes? can't get a good read of her tits



I'd suck her dick.

What are you, a nigger? Only niggers rape, faggot.



are you implying faggots don't rape? think again


So what now? If you want to post attractive females post legal pictures of 12-17 year old white females admitting your Hebephilia. Else go fuck your Jewish Nigger Trap.

Faggots don't rape women, no.

Come run with me on the sand user, and forget this faggotry


very good

saving her for later fapping

my cock is raw and aching atm



didn't you see that french movie with the infamous rape sequence?


Your dad isn't black and he clearly raped you as a child, explain that.

I would take those shorts away from her.

And then I would buy her some shorts that are not tragically ugly



Because Sup Forums became so much full of shit that is beyond ridicolous. Sure it is usual that after years you get shitty but this is beyond sanity. It is like someone intentionally tried to foster out the old Sup Forums and make it full of niggers and faggots. I mean I haven't seen one tyftt thread in the last year for example.

Maybe if you show me your front

Read any scientific paper regarding Philias (aka Sexua attraction to certain groups/objects). Any study from anywhere in the world that is properly scientific will confirm that any Heterosexual male is a Hebephilist.

wat movie ?

This one is 19 user, maybe you could make her wear a little girls dress or something?

She's completed puberty, please delete this.


she tries to force a smile but she only looks horrified

maybe someone took a gigantic shit in the stall next to her and she can't actually breathe there

Want so bad


No. I was just arguing because I'm a cheeky little shit but I'm curious now. What movie?

It wasn't his fault, he was opressed by black culture.

Her face looks like her family was washed in Jewish gene pool and only barely managed to escape a KZ which is a shame of itself.

I understand people going for butterfaces irl because they themselves are faggot but on the internet you can fuck on standards just post the hottest pics you have why deciding to post such a Jew?

Here's my front user. Isnt this better than being a raging edgelord?

you probably saw gifs of it without knowing the source

monica belluci gets raped and kicked in the face by a coked up faggot


It was her.

more. total milf

