I feel so lonely and energyless what can i do to change that?

i feel so lonely and energyless what can i do to change that?

same, no idea


lose weight obviously, retard.

Go outside and drink red bull

strike your german on the helmet

Get friends, do things
this too

Watch a Trump rally.

find a hobby, have a project or something that will motivate you out of bed in the morning. ex. working on cars, trying new things, hanging out with friends or making new ones

Cut your ugly ass hair, you can't get a job with that.

Then go get a fucking job

I use to only get depression right before going to bed, then have my feelings reset the next day.
But a couple days ago the feelings didn't reset and I felt like garbage. On top of this it was my day off from work so I was just sitting there wallowing in this strange depression. (It was raining out so I couldn't go anywhere, but I did manage to go get my hair cut in between raining sessions.)
I was so depressed I was procrastinating playing video games. That's actually the only reason I had enough energy to go out and get my hair cut.
I even changed my wallpapers to cute puppies to try distracting myself.
Haven't changed them back.

Leave Sup Forums

Take medication for adhd. It actually treats depression better than depression medications in my opinion.

hey atleast you got trips

and playing videogames and watching some series helps alot to kill time and sleep, while sleeping you cant feel depressed so always look forward to sleep. One day when youre old you will sleep forever so look forward till the day you will sleep forever

Shrooms better than both

I think its the fact that I'm procrastinating my future that was making me put off to playing video games.
It's just I don't honestly know what I can possibly do anymore.
I just want goals again.
I don't think I'm built for a destination, more-so for the journey.

get /fit/

You cant have any goals if u dont do something

Go on try to play an instrument or something music is always awesome no matter what

get drunk constantly or live a healthier lifestyle. or maybe even both

>tfw I got a presidential award in elementary for my outstanding music participation all throughout elementary school.
>tfw I barely touch my instrument and cant read music for shit

Show cock :3

Have a shower you look like you smell