Did you ever do anything sexual in school? Get a blowjob? Finger a girl?
Did you ever do anything sexual in school? Get a blowjob? Finger a girl?
Masturbate in the principal's office.
Do you think she will ever wear a skirt again?
made a move on a girl in a storage room but she was nervous we'd get caught.
got a hotel (expensive for an income less person!) following weekend and we had the sexual intercourse.
9th grade I fapped at the urinals twice (not the same day)
Nah just met my gf to kissy during class
Heard my freind's sister once got fucked in between lockers and in the bathroom... I missed out
It was'nt until I started driving that I could finally get a girl alone.
i got a blowjob in school a few weeks ago and got caught on camera. They sent us both to an alternative school for the summer.
Kissed with a girl from my class I had a crush on. On the girls toilets. Then we walked out and she acted like nothing ever happened. Still don't get it.