My credit card is $200 overdrawn. Should I just bite the bullet and order a pizza any ways?
My credit card is $200 overdrawn. Should I just bite the bullet and order a pizza any ways?
Sebastian Phillips
Alexander Cruz
100% do it fgt
Joseph Brooks
If you make the minimum payment every month why not lol
Logan Diaz
it is not that much to begin anyways
Nicholas Long
It's just the principle of it. But I have a rumbling in my tummy.
Angel Robinson
Bite the bullet that shit looks good
Ryder Bell
OP here, which of you all have credit card debt? And if so how much?
Noah Hernandez
Go buy some real food and don't spend $20 on one pizza
Andrew James
why not? you only live once, meanwhile pizza lives eternal.
Charles Martinez
I've just this month finally managed to clear £2000 of credit card debt, not sure how that translates in dollars