Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Will be doing LSD for the first time tonight, the only other things I've done are alcohol and weed anything I need to know? Also can you smoke weed while tripping?

dont do it. theres like a 90% chance you'll get lysergic acid instead of LSD and that will kill you

Bruhhhhh absolutely when u feel it starting to wear off a bit smoke a bowl (or ideally joint/blunt) kicks it right back up

Is the tab white? Also yes weed enhances the trip

Good luck op

Easy on the weed til after you start to come down. It can cause unexpected anxiety if you're not sure what to expect.

Also listen to your favorite film/video game soundtrack either with headphones or good quality speakers. Enjoy OP remember if u start to freak out remember you are on a drug and it's all supposed to happen and you have 100% lucidity on this drug. You can control everything you do so don't do something stupid thinking that this drug is what made you do it. Again enjoy.


weed and psys are like pb&j. advice: get the fuck off of Sup Forums and do something creative, or walk around outside. depending on how late it is the trip will last like 12 hours so don't expect to sleep in that time frame

took "acid" a couple days ago for the first time. ended up being 25i, still enjoyed tho