

Other urls found in this thread:


who drew this? made me laugh


Some faggot named Kris.

Please stop

I'm reporting you for harassment.

i didn't know, please end this hell/




What's so bad about Hannia?

hah! good luck autist. the mods here aren't the feels police!


nothing, but these whiteknight autists got mad because some guy drew her OC, so I'm reposting it.

Wow, you seem like you're really having a good time with this.

So, what's bugging you this evening?

Why the fuck must you continue to harass Hannia, what did she ever do to you?

I feel bad for the guy that made the draw

>Harass hannia
>Implying she gives a shit
>Implying she even cares as much as you do

Yeah, it's not his fault people sperged about him drawing fanart...

this guy's got it

Yeah. I hope this doesn't hurt him, but I doubt she'll blame him for me prodding the autists.

Why the fuck do people sperg out over drawing hannia

Stop talking about it your burgeoning autists, you're taking the bait so easily. The dude wants you to be angry, he wants you to feel powerless. He's getting enjoyment out of your outrage. Shut the fuck up about it already, you dense tards.

You get me, man!

Requesting lewds of this char.

what up thread, i'll take some requests

I'm starting to think there is no rage and it's just a meme, a goof. A spoof of a goof, gag prank.

Because apparently one time she said she doesn't want art of her drawn and autist #12 took it upon himself to reign hell from above about it for her.

>mfw Malcom Crowe is a ghost all along

Her character is so generic, it can literally be anyone.

You want me to be quiet....while he's harassing Hannia for no reason.

You're just as bad as him.

hmm.. guess all the drawfriends are gone because of the spamming

!!! (please)

>repostin cause i care
im glad you like it~

going 2 bed now


I can..hear it...why is this hardwired into my brain so bad???

hi, ill do a req or two

>because of the spamming
no its because of marc

She even said she dosen't want art of herself drawn. Are you that dense

h o t
dubs checkem, and goodnight

The only reason he's still going is because you tards are sperging out over it. If you'd shut up none of this would have happened. You could have prevented this.

Requesting you with a new husk

I just got here and I missed it all, can I at least mop up what's left?

Hi francine!
Eat a burrito

What were the things you liked?

-_- (Fuck you so much)
You're a horrible person.

Wear some leggings with those thick thighs, ripped around the crotch because you're too thick

Retoasting for great justice and dubba dubs

You are absolute filth. Disgusting. You should look at yourself for a moment, lie out all of your characteristics and ultimately decide that you're unfit for life.

Just kidding I don't know what anybody is talking about

Show panties

nah. it's 'cause of this asinine fiasco.

So if you had a daughter you'd just last older men HARASS her and just wait for it to stop?

What the hell's wrong with you, I hope you never have kids.

sup thread?

If you're still doing requests would you be willing to draw Rukia doing something cute with a Heracross?

Top kek!!!

I can tell you 100% she does not give enough of a one single shit to do what you're doing to sperg out over a drawing because someone didn't know not to draw her.

draw a human male body. git gud.

Did I meme well guys?

Damn bitch are you an SJW or something like damn get the hell over it!!!

Hey bo, I remember my request from earlier! If you're still doing some, can I request it again?


Sorry, not him. Just a fan.

kys and take me with you

Ok cmon, that's obviously b8. Try a little, APPLY YOURSELF next time.

3/10 D-

that was sexy. I'm done hanniaposting for now since I'm working out

My MC of Fallout 4 Giving the Middle Finger with his tongue out.

i hope this phone is for
lewd selfies

You're probably a rapist or your going to be if you can't respect another women's/person's wishes.

teach to draw hair k?

Take care user,
don't get yourself hurt

OH! uh.
i mean, you're welcome to. i might get around to doing it when i'm up for it. i'll jot it down or something.
'cuz it's........ 3.30am....

you are worth nothing, worthless whore.

Oh fuck I love Roger

Leave me and Hannia the FUCK alone.

Combat armor is looks so shitty in fallout 4. New Vegas armors make it look like total shit.

You remind me of Earthworm Jim.

Like, sexually?

jesus christ is there always so many fucking retards in thread at this time of the day or what


what a nice sendoff rotflmao

Why does is requesting me to draw Rukia? I got a hard time drawing anime style
Thanks, mate.

Friendly warning people; This is b8

who isnt a rogersexual?

It was this request:
Cum dump of bo like these two
You said you'd do it, and figure out how it'd still fit bo's personality. If you can't tonight, do you might if I repost it to you tomorrow so you can remember, incase you forget?

....same fag

Something about shortstacks + the shape is just fucking hot

Last one looked good and I have a collection of rukia images with pokemon

You already did a rukia request. Don't do anymore, he should only get one, IF that at all.
He's like a leech, he sits around here all day requesting rukia with a pokemon, he's trying to get rukia with all the original pokemon. Just don't do anymore rukia requests, he has a bad rep around here, and it will rub off onto you if you feed him his requests.

small. easy to hold/manipulate. excellent for basement storage

I dunno about sexually, but he's definitely my favorite character on the show.

Evening, thread.

yo yo


G-get your hands out of there..B-bo..

Whatever. I reported you guys, have fun getting banned.


do you weed

Want a side of bleach with that kys?

OH SHIT this is hot.
Fucking hell, can't wait to see where this shit goes.

Any requests you're currently doing?


Oh shit anus time
I want to fuck it so much

anyone got something simple i can work on?

yes. kyss me faggot

Okay, but you realize telling someone you reported them is against the rules right?