The day Sup Forums was troled hard, bunch of assholes, can't do shit, I know you faggots missed this thread

The day Sup Forums was troled hard, bunch of assholes, can't do shit, I know you faggots missed this thread

Fuck off

fuck the OP is back. This is a new photo.
You anons now may CSI his parents name as well.

the mods most likely closed the last one and I believe they should close this one as well. Some weird shit is going on with these.

What happend?

wut happeend

Is this really even a troll? What you made like maybe 10 people wate about 30 seconds? Wow master troll dude.

op posted info (CC/ SSN / phone and address / parents' name) that looks legit while boasting to be trolling Sup Forums.

I have no idea.

How is that a troll?

almost nothing gets deleted off Sup Forums the few exceptions are cp obviously, and making explosives and shit like that. for a mod to delete a thread, it must be pretty fucking bad.

Sup Forums can't fuck me up that's what the troll, i give you guys everything

Is not a troll, i did this to proof that Sup Forums can do nothing


I've got no freaking clue.

I think he's having a mental breakdown or is posting stolen goods.

Im scured user.

Go call: 555-678-768
Haha cant do it? I just proved you can do nothing! Hahahahah

No dude I'm legit I'm going to post again, with my face to prove it

STFU dude, just stfu

like posting credit card info + your social security number (CPF for hues) + your state ussued ID (RG for hues) + your address and phone number + and topping it all off with a new thread where some user could figure out his parents' name from his ID card?


Quit being a retard and playing it off as trolling. Kill yourself my dude.


the day Sup Forums was not your personal army?

Looks like a fucking hacker

Lurk more faggot

this happens all the time, are you new here? seriously there are no rules here, mods will not delete shit unless it's cp. death threats and addresses are posted here all the time. fuck off nigger.

puta q o pariu.
è o mesmo anão que postou pic na outra thread. só que barbado.

it seems it's the same dude who posted his pic at the last thread. But only he had a beard there. My own ID card is pretty old, so there's that to take into consideration.

deff legit, the photos are the correct way for the southern hemisphere....
unless hes in those bits just over the equator. Then he just doesnt know how to flip...

Eu falei q postei minhas informações pessoais no Sup Forums mas, que surpresa nada aconteceu

or this
the fuck you're trying to do, anão?


I want to know where are the hackers in this fucking website, let's see that right, a single person give his fucking adressy, social security number, 2 credit cards, real name, cellphone, zip code, country and Sup Forums don't do nothing?

Quero ser morto por outro anão

Maybe because my real zip code is 13400053

mental breakdown.

this is a an hero thread.

the hackers left this place circa 2008.

>i hate someone so i will put their info on Sup Forums claiming that they cant do shit
>nobody will suspect because i will say the thread died
>holy shit im so smart

Dude i proved that it was mine fucking info


not really. It's either stolen goods or real.
Do you have pics from your friends' Credit card (front and back)? Or pics of their SSN?

Just raid the faggot. Quit letting him use reverse psycology. Do you really want a foreigner outsmarting us?

Raid me hard faggot

but he also has a death wish

(translate but replace 'dwarf' for 'user')

Sup Forums really is shit and can't do shit. Theyre all fapping in trap furry threads.


not the same guy as in the photo
10% more nigger than pic


his face is similar to the one in the ID card
the name on the ID card checks with the name on the Credit Cards

and the motherfucker just posted a pic with them all in one place.
how's that reverse psychology?

(and I'm also a hue, so I'm not a foreigner)

meant this for

Hello faggot

Congratulations, you fucked up Sup Forums bad

cadê os otro hue?
acho só eu caí aqui.

Your ugly as fuck mate, but nice one

Esses gringo são todos otarios, inclusive alguns br passei todas as minhas informações e nada

not the samenigger

filho, jpa falei q nem consigo nem teria coragemd e fazer qquer merda c/ info alheia. respeito teus colhões, minha teoria que era duma carteira roubada já caiu. Mas tb acho q pode se fuder c/ os lurkers, seja lá q merda q tu tá tentando fazer.

Do not try anymore dydey, we've been fooled, give up, that fucking piece of shit gave us his credit card, security social numbr, adrees, zip co, cellphone, etc.

Dude, your Google translation sucks balls, and no it wasn't an stolen wallet, it is mine all my fucking information online, let's see if someone can do shit with me, because Sup Forums can't (sorry about my inglesh)

Thanks for the new tv faggot.

timestamped to boot.

Plus the FBI (main law enforcement agency that deals with Sup Forums) doesn't give a flying fuck about relatively minor crimes that occur in South America).

tu achou q eu era gringo usando google translate?

a pedra q tu fumou é maior do que eu imaginei. trad de máq. não consegue pegar gírias e regionalismos. ou por exemplo, aquele c/ (com) já teria passado batido.

prove it


Seu inglês e tao ruim que pensei isso cara, volta pra Escola

Por favor volte pra escola antes de replicar alguém, analfabetismo deveria ser um crime

Prove I didn't.
The onus of proof is on you.

Não sei como alguém tão burro aprendeu a usar o Sup Forums

tu resolve reclamar do meu inglês num post que eu fiz em português?

Tem um gringo q disse q tu pagou uma tv prele, vai lá vê se é vdd na tua fatura.

I really don't care much.
especially now that the OP decided to lash on me (on our monkey talk exchanges)

def should upgrade camera with super duper haxor monies

Não, não é verdade amigo analfabeto, pois eu criei o post, eu postei minha informação verdadeira, até mesmo alguns brasileiros não me encontrarm, podermos e nem sabem onde eu estou, vamos fazer o seguinte, CALE ESSA PORRA de Boca analfabetismo em doença tchau

Let's see if you faggot have the guts to post your personal information on Sup Forums, I think no, so shut the fuck up faggot

yup. I give, champ!
you definitely proven that big thing you came to prove.
here's your prize

ok you kept me awake till now.
so there's that.
good look on your endeavours, anão.

I'll tell it again, you've got some balls.

Tentando provar o que anão?

Nada, somente q Sup Forums é uma bosta e ésta repleta de pirralhos

sou teu fã broder, se tu não for apenas mais um doentasso que acessa isso aqui tu é um cara com culhões

Pirralhos q se acham hackers

Sou pior que duebtasso, sou insano e não tenho medo de provar isao

Itaú? Tem que querer se matar mesmo.

Nem me fale

From what I see, is just a Br Hue with a lot of troubles, trying to prove that Sup Forums doesn't care about Brazilians.

Congratulations you achieved what you were expecting.

Post back side of CC, you're a faggot and know nobody can do shit without it

This, OP is a fag

>be op, a faggot retard
>feel i need to devalidate a bunch of strangers online
>figured the best way to do this is by posting my ssn and cc number online for all of them to see
>do it and pray to god that they're too much of a pussy to do anything whilst sweating nervously in my computer chair and scratching my neckbeard

This, OP faggot post complete credit card

and op gives up