So, I took Sup Forums advice and hooked up with her last night

So, I took Sup Forums advice and hooked up with her last night.
It went pretty well, though she's thirsty as fuck. I met up with her after messaging her for an hour so or on FB, and she made out with me on the spot. We went behind some buildings and I got to feel her tidders.

When we got home I was hoping to get laid, though all she wanted to do was make out for ages. Then she gave me an awkward titfuck and sucked me off until I came.

Should I hook up again? How do I get puss? Do you think she's hot?

You're dating a fucking cow.

proud of you faggot op

Yeah, she's kinda fat, but I'd definitely never date her. I've never banged a fat girl before and wanna try it.

Sure why not
Chubbies are fun in bed

Son... you have done what 99.987% of Sup Forums can't do. Rock on. I am proud of you.

Any advice? Best position to deal with chub?

T-thanks pop

Lol... I am T-pop. 49 y.o. married Sup Forumsro here. I am pulling for you young fuckers to succeed and make something of yourselves.

done gud, she's not bad at all. Stay distant. I say again, STAY DISTANT. I'd recommend missionary, keeps you in control with minumum sag and max making her look good. If your dick is long enough and her ass isn't huge enough, good ol' doggy will keep you from seeing anything saggy and avoiding her face if you want.

Stay distant? How come?

And thanks for the tips

Women have this crazy power that makes you develop feelings for them. Unless that is what you want. I wouldn't.

Im not sure if I could for her, this is just out of curiosity's sake

good for you mang, do what you want, stay happy.

more pics so we can see and judge better


Profile pic for a while

Same again

She actually looks pretty nice.
Hookup again cause why not?

Sounds like a slut on her period. Nothing to see here move on

please die