Are soulmates a myth? Or do we all have that special someone?

Are soulmates a myth? Or do we all have that special someone?

You're on Sup Forums, not some stupid philosophical bs site, faggot.

this + goto /x/

Soulmates? You may want to prove a soul first.

NO. Eventually you just settle for whatever.

Dubs thread

soulmates? I don't know about that, I think there are lots of people you can be happy with. But there are definitely people who are perfect for each other.
Source:currently in that kind of relationship

It's official

There are no soulmates, no perfect people, no truely good person. You can find a person to love for the rest of your life, but never a soulmate.

nobody is perfect for each other. some people are much more tolerable over a span of time, however.

but anybody can get annoying after years, that's when you have to actually put in some effort. which is a much easier with someone you don't get sick of after a few months.

I feel as one got away. Been sad for a month. Spent 4 years dating


when I left my ex, we were dating 5 years. it probably took a good 4 months before I stopped caring for her, and a year before I stopped thinking about her completely.

all you can do is wait it out, Sup Forumsro, there's tons of suitable women (men?) out there.



8888 yo

If dubs op is a fag


We all have a soulmate obviously.
7billion+ people on this Earth and 50% have exactly one person who is made for them

was in your position a few months ago. don't think for a second it can't end just like that. don't make the same mistakes I did. I thought I could do anything to her and she wouldn't leave me. She proved me wrong.
