>make a fucking new
I still don't get the appeal of this fugly creature
>make a fucking new
made me laugh
Is there a chance I'm a slightly right leaning Radical-Centrist?
Excellent edition
Imagine having your knackers sucked into this..
lesbian sex symbol idolized by fannyfarters everywhere
business idea: text a girl I was dating that blocked me on facebook and ignored all my texts over a month ago
don't see what could go wrong
you are being a b*tch though :^)
we have to talk
the sesh is love
i don't love you
Post Cara wearing comfy winter clothes.
>Why yes I am a national socialist
>he posted it again
You heard of this lads?
>there are pictures of millions of qts online
>someone out there obsesseses about this one in particular
How does Pateron work? Can I make an account and give multiple video makers money through that?
plz look at mah fanneh lads ;)
yes because i posted it past the new thread
bet cara has a willy
No but it sounds like a nice gig desu
>used to fuck old housemate
>lent her some of my dvds
>she blocked me on everything
>one year later i realise she still has those dvds
>i wat them back but have no way of contacting her
why do people do this shit, just tell me you dont want to fuck me anymore instead of blocking like a coward
Why are Scottish men reasonably attractive but Scottish women are ...
A night down the pub with your mates and it's fucking mental
A move from the pub to the club for some awesome sounds Chopping the chalk out on the cisterm
Snouting it up and FUCKING THE SYSTEM
Because I insulted your reddit hats?
Try: going back to the reddit
I can't remember when we had a /brit/ that didn't feature some autist spamming his ugly waifu. 2013?
>Why are Scottish men reasonably attractive
maybe you should have been more approachable
they say that st. andrews is a wonderful place
i've been there myself it's a fucking disgrace
nah, that much looks peng though
here you go
>Scottish men?
want to be british for a month
anyone want to switch lives for a bit?
Good lad. Post more like that.
Vikings who settled in Iceland would often raid Scotland, they took the attractive women back with them.
Go to her house and calmly ask for your DVDs back.
What do swedes have to be proud of
A hat and jumper with a skirt that short seems impractical 2bh
cry more kid
first decent post by a leaf
haggis stirrers
how can i be more approachable? the bitch already blocked me on everything
she had a mental breakdown and moved back to her parents house in a completely different town so thats not possible
fine one more
they're all like that its weird isnt it
starting to like this show
hated it at first
scottish men look a bit arab 2bh
good post
have they been shoppen in?
bet its a nigger
Fucking hate St Andrews 2bh
It's a nice town apart from the posh/rich Americans and Southerners who are doing meme degrees yet look down on you
Scottish guys are ugly too m8
In fact, British people in general are ugly
Big fan of Scott Bakula.
omg yasss
the girl that blocked me left an iphone 5 charger at my house
recently started using an iphone 5 but it had no charger
She wants a man from Bristol
Lisicki will always be the best waifu spammer
and in london
nice thing to do really trying to warn him
Good on that lad.
plotting a 'cide
Hello /brit/
LOVE the melody on this tune the leaf linked yeterday
Doing a sleep
not even top 2
any lads on rabbit
how can anyone get with someone who has a bristol accent?
depressingly true, I'm probably a strong 7 but went to Norway and felt like a 4
i have just released the pent up spunk from my bollocks
fucking hell those cobs
the absolute state of this lad's channel
bet he thought it was going to take off after the 100th episode, but he still hasn't gotten triple digit views on any video
Doing a GREEN tea
Very healthy yes it is
females intimidate me
just looking at them like
>In fact, British people in general are ugly
Mmm Nawww
so reassuring
Official Brit thread confirmed.
Disgusting mug
>shit degree
>can't drive
not even worth a smash
do people work in new zealand? is everyone a neet with a huge house living a super comfy life in the countryside?
know virtually nothing about this weird country desu
maybe he just enjoys doing it
>can't drive
anyone saying they wouldn't smash is lying
>tfw ugly and short in Britain
Not even going to dare step foot in somewhere like Netherlands or Norway. Would probably be referred to as that weird goblin child
Yank in disguise.
She is clearly fat.
Sorry lad he's not wrong, unless you're in the south east or in London then bad luck
naming himself the chicken connoisseur was a bad idea
unless he diversifies his brand he's going to run into problems further down the line
no we all live in grim concrete block cities
only farmers and rich people live in the country
Just killed a runt with a shovel
anyone else getting utterly fucked on boxing day
>Suicide Squad or Poo-icide Squad
You'd be surprised.
Everything is exactly the same.
there's an almost infinite amount of chicken shops and bossmen in London alone
you blind mate