What are your thoughts on Hispanic chicks?

What are your thoughts on Hispanic chicks?

I dated a Latina for a while; we didn't work out as a couple, but she was great.

I love tacos and I'm sure she would love my burrito

They're alright. Depends where you are though.

I can't wait until Trump kicks most of them out

I live in a somewhat small town in Texas and most of them are ghetto and overweight. But they're real slutty if you want a quick fuck.

Fucking one rn

Lying to your face is part of their culture, and they're jealous to the point of being fucking psychotic. Great fucks, though.

I love their figure, big ass and all. But i have heard they're absolutely fucking mental and extremely jealous. We don't have any over here unfortunately. Would love to bang one

Do you live near Houston?

last gf was hispanic theyre hot af. just dont pick the fat ones

Married one. Very very family oriented, with my family I'm used to family reunions and seeing each other a handful of times a year. But my wife's family holy shit it's like every other weekend is a party. She is super jealous has always been don't know if that's just a cultural thing.

I think it is man. Every man i have talked with about latinas say they're super jealous. You're lucky though. Ill never bang one unless i move continent

Do you like her aside from that?

>Do you like her aside from that?

Her married her you autistic fuck. What do you think?

the best around. Asians are for closeted fags

Oh yes I do. Sex is great she starts talking spanish and shit it's awesome, she's first generation. But I get pampered it's awesome we both work but she still makes dinner every day, cleans the house non stop it's awesome lol. At the parties she serves me and brings me food and beer but I think that's a cultural thing as well.

Depends what kind of Asians. I agree about the yellow fever autists who obsess over bland looking Asian women, however I have seen some hot, womanly Asians.

What part of Mexico is she from (if she's Mexican)?

No longevity. Fun to fuck when they're younger but post 20s the greasy food and cheap beer catches up. They always become those fat slimy chicks you stand behind in line at 99 cents store.

They do get jealous, low IQs but think they're smart so stubborn af. And they are way too fertile.

6/10 would bang

Michoacan I don't remember the city other then it starts with an A.

Do you have kids with her yet? How good is her cooking?

2. Fuck yea it's good. I haven't tasted anything better then posole to date, it tastes better the more you reheat it.

They are nasty and when they get older, they gain weight in their bellies. Not their asses or tits, but their fucking bellies. Gross.