Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Joining means a reserved place in Strickland Propane
>Most importantly, grill.



You guys are just a bunch of hypocrites, like Hand was.

Going to sleep now.
Good night everyone.


Newfag Revolt!

literal shit

>total confusion

It was Mai all along!


Best type moon claimed.

Are you saying you're new?
I'm pretty sure you're saying you're new.

Thanks for the thread Hank, can't bake at the moment.


the shit mugi bros

You're better than this

newfag revolt NOW!!!
We want replies aswell!!!!
We're done with those elitist waifus!! They always scare us when we just want to talk!!

Why do people fall for shit-tier bait?


I'm not that guy

And it shows, can you really not obviously tell most of the underage?

The elitist oldfags are creating a monopoly on waifus by reserving waifus for certain posters, we must steal the waifus back and distribute them equally..


Get lost faggot. These treads are cancer and you are too.

You're welcome.



You're what's wrong with this thread
Get out elitist

He is particularly open minded and tries to be positive about everything. I think he was the first person I did a music sharing circlejerk with here. I only started using Sup Forums x recently so I am yet to see his tripcode.

I don't actively accompany the series and there's tons of ships I still have to know. My top 10 would be pretty different now from what it would be if I browsed art for all ships and stuff for a few days.
Hatsuzuki, Murakumo, Zuikaku, Zuihou and Poi are definitely there. I want to say Pola but there's where I quit it and I didn't see any art yet.

I don't fall for bait... I bathe in it and get a kick out of it

dammit, meme was destroyed

What the hell is going on?

The cancer collection.

Wow, you actually typed that? That's pretty autistic.

Indeed, indeed.

You're what's wrong with this thread
Get out elitist

Penny Claim.
>I had a fucking crow problem for all of about three minutes
>This fucker came to my garden and took a pea pod
>So I zinged him with my pellet gun
>I accidentally clipped his wings and he flopped down
>I came back an hour later and saw somebody's dog take off with it.

Okay, bye.


Fascist scum

well im glad you thought it was fun....

why am i cancer


We playing with trolls today?

>Rattle rattle

Waifu revolt nao!


huh... I'm in that pic... and I'm not even mad


Nobody likes me OR my waifu. fascinating isn't it?

ooh a fight that im not the target of sigh me up who are we mad at

>We playing with trolls today?
This is a newfag shaming tactic to disregard the needs of the people as trolling.



No it's not faggot


>why am i cancer
By being underage.

Hmm I wonder


If trips Shiki get

This. So much this.

Eu made a cool picture when the time came, but you guys?
You are forcing this shit too hard.
You want to be from this community too much.

I am the most autistic person youll ever meet lolol

I'm in a picture, yay.

Tohsaka claimed

>hiel waifu.jpg
You better change that shit immediately

20 is underage now

i honestly dont get your beef with me

I sometimes check to see if they have a point. They rarely do.

More of this, please.

Maybe im just tired of playing WoWs.
Depends, but yes after getting told how old some people are it matches.
Were biting the bait now.

Huh. That would actually make sense.

Nico is a good sex object, nothing more


Are you making Eu an elitist now?

>You are forcing this shit too hard.
>You want to be from this community too much.
Thank you.


No one says bye...

You should check your fucking hair.

Guys don't worry I'm posting this ironically.


The underage party

>I honestly don't get your beef with me

>I am the most autistic person youll ever meet lolol

Death to fascist scum

>More of this, please.
No, stop with the fucking shitty photoshops.

>The people
What people?
This is like, the most newfag friendly thread on Sup Forums

Oh shit, sorry. Good night beautiful! Have warm, lengthy dreams of you and your waifu.

Nigga pls

And you still have a ton of room for Hatsuharu.

- tsuzu

>rattle rattle
might aswell apply noose now
this triggers me

I can sleep happy now.


im fucking 20 what have i done to make myself look underage


But Yuuko is on it.


boo hoo

How many layers of irony are you on?

whatever be salty not my problem

>what have i done to make myself look underage

I like you user. I like you a lot.

Are you retarded? I didn't said that Eu is elite, he's a cool guy.
I said he started with those pictures, and you guys kept forcing them.
Especially Shiro.
He's cancer.
Im just a new waifu and I cant claim because of the elit3.

Im more autistic than you.

You're right, it's abysmal, but I would like to see more Nazi pictures.

>Eu made a cool picture when the time came, but you guys?
>You are forcing this shit too hard.
>You want to be from this community too much.

The best thing I've seen.

Good night Yui.



Like,maybe five or six or something

This may lose me some favor in these threads but elitism is good.

I don't want to be associated with people with multiple waifu, brony horse fuckers, or furries in general.

I also don't like people asking for source on anime when Sup Forums has a built in reverse image search, and if "google didn't give me the answer" then lurk moar. Google has given me sources 90% of the time, only when it does not should you ask for source.

I don't want people who use waifuism as a facade to interact with the community. They are simply mocking is and abusing our ideals for their benefit.

I also am not a fan of people who forsake waifu for some new girl. And those who do it regularly.

These people should be ostracized or ignored.

Otherwise we will be flooded with ironic waifuists who will look at your love as some type of weird anomaly in your own. fucking. circle.

Hi Ruri.

Sounds about right, thanks Hank.

Doesn't sound healthy.

Sad tbqh.

Don't bother, it's a waste of energy.

If they had a point they'd use a different method, like posting with their avatar and debating instead of randomly name calling. They waste our time.

There's a test server with free shit.

Hi Nanas.

I won't read your text wall, but I hope the BBQ went alright.

Preach it brother.

>what? there is no elitism in waifu!
>elitism is good.

I'm loving this so far

this but the rule
"Talk shit get (s)hit!" Still applies like everywhere else


>Eu is cool
That's like saying Eu is elitist!

>Especially Shiro
>He's cancer
>on Sup Forums
You're right

>I can't claim waifu bcuz of elit3
>I know Eu
You're not new then.

It probably is a mix. On the one hand I laugh like hell and laughing is healthy
On the other hand I have a sleepless night and that isn't healthy