photoshop expert taking requests
Photoshop expert taking requests
can you make me look pretty?
Make this digital.
hyperrealistic dickbutt pls
make this a trap
Can you make Trump appear less insane?
will you take the new cubbies batting helmet, and continue the chin piece down spiraling around the batter
Trump with actual hair.
do some research faggot
Do whatever to this
Make this less ugly.
This one you can do at home.
Step 1: delete your tumblr account.
Step 2: stop forming your opinions on politics from memes and paraphrased soundbites, and instead go straight to the source and listen to trumps speeches.
Step 3: realize that wanting to deport all illegals is not the same as being racist or sexist in any way shape or form.
Pretty sure that's keyshot faggot
Take the hair off my tits
actually lolled, nice job user.
Mexican is not a race. so anyone saying that he is a racists fucking retarded. If i said i hate Americans, would that make me racist? no. I respect u user :)
Can you make the girl in the bunny costume into a PNG of jusy her?
Didn't say he was insane, I implied that he looks it.
Touchy aincha
Requesting you photoshop Adyson into a 9/11 scene.
get creative with this.
>photoshop expert
posts low res image
Replace her head with Donald Trump's.
That's dumb. Enjoy the under aged ban
Do something crazy with this.
Cumshop or whatever
what ban you autistic cumgurgling fucktard
>18 years to purchase smoking devices
>5000 dollar bong that your broke ass cant afford
yeah looks like im def underaged huh?
youre a photoshop cumslut is what you are. enjoy being poor.
do somethin crazy to these numbers
Do something with this little fag.
im not op but i made dis
can you photoshop Sup Forums and make it ungay?
much master, very photoshop.
nice pic off google, too bad my bong isnt ;) kill yourself now kthxbye
>photoshop expert
>posts picture that has nothing to do with photoshopping
>haven't seen single shoop in this thread
lmao kys
Do whatever you want to old Kuntstar over here
yeah? mad youre poor as FUCK?
Photoshoop the baby
Make me more fit.
Photoshop Bernie Sanders in this pic.
I can't stop laughing at your retarded ass posting bongs like you're accomplished. pls stay mad
dubs and op has to do this
do this
rolling OP mess with this
So cute. Do this
Only you can do that user.
op do this. it'll be funny
Can you photoshop a goats head onto a small birds body?
added a nice bong for you to gargle on
do this
Do it you faggot op
OP do this you faggot
Dubs and op must deliver
Ah c'mon...
boy you paid 5k for that little thing?
You're getting hella ripped off, you can get custom blown glass three chamber bongs that are 3 feet tall for that much
Dubs op must deliver
probably one from your personal collection, hmm odd, im not familiar with that model.
the opacity was a nice touch
make him kiss a butthole
for hash oil... smaller is better, do some research. also its a nice handheld piece. perfect size actually. i literally couldnt have asked for a better blown custom piece. this thing is perfection.
Redo it you faggot this is hit quality photoshop
Im not OP but OP will not deliver because OP is OP
Here ya go
someone better pay me for this shit
That bong is ugly as shit
Photoshop this so her thighs are larger
i hope you drop it bby
redo retard it looks niggerish
faggot op this is shit redo it
>photoshop expert
>wine has no reflection
> guise look at this cool pot smoker I just bought it cost like $10,000,000 because I'm so rich and I smoke weeds everyday btw XD
Why are you stoners such absolute faggots? Nobody gives a fuck you middle school-tier attention seeking shell of a person.
Alright better
Where the fuck is op?
are you faggots done?
i agree. just let it go user
shoop steve martin's head on godzilla's body.
Player 2 has entered the game!
I want a PNG of just GIFfany like that one user wanted.
That is pretty ugly dude... it makes me think of those dumb kids who buy ugly shoes cause they light up when you walk
Player three has entered