Go to a random news or video about Poland on some news channel or yt

>go to a random news or video about Poland on some news channel or yt
>75% english comments are anti-polonism and hate, mostly from americans, germans and russians, sometimes a dutchman, scandi or a czech
>they repeat nazi and communist propaganda as their arguments
>random Hungarian and some anime poster defending Poland
Why do you hate us so?

I mean what the fuck did a Pole from Poland like me do to you?

At first I was thinking it's memes and banter but now it's everywhere and it's so fucking overwhelming.

Other urls found in this thread:


Poland is the C student of europe

Learn the difference. It could save your life.

Who's the B student than?


Why bully though?

I know the difference, that's why I cringe.

>from Americans
Those Americans are faggots, then.
My entire family (extended plus) loves Poland.
I don't know anyone who doesn't like Poland except for the liberals in college.

My mom is Polish and I think Polish ppl care too much about what people think of their country

we are A+

When 3 out of 4 comments in each news section or clip yo usee are hate you get angry, and it dosn't help that we get angry real quick due to our national traits.

Maybe it's a internet meme, when I was in the USA nobody even implied bad things about Poland but I guess it's much harder to tell some random big guy that you hate his country and start shouting out 1940ties propaganda.

I don't know why americans would dislike poland? Like ive never even met a pole aside from maybe like my friend having a polish cleaning lady.

>Maybe it's a internet meme, when I was in the USA nobody even implied bad things about Poland but I guess it's much harder to tell some random big guy that you hate his country and start shouting out 1940ties propaganda.


It's the Hollyjews.


Who the fuck cares about what some Brits or Germans say.

Also, I agree with the other Americans in here, no one has a negative view of Poland here. There's no reason to have one.

Actually once in chicago I was out having a cig amd this pole came up to me and he said he was robbed and had no id, money or anything. I asked him where he was from and about polamd but his english seemed kind of limited. Then he asked me for money and I said I didn't have any and he left ;( . I felt bad for the guy honestly. Who knows though.. guy could have been full of shit.

I mean we call ethnic polish americans polaks, but 2bh polak americans are a super proud people. Only have respect for them.

I call black people niggers. I only have respect for them.

As to what comes to my experiences in this board poles are annoying idiots who trigger themselfs and sperg out for the littlest things and just go full on barrage to hate anyone who critizises them.

>Go into news article about Poland
>75% of the comments are Poles raging

>tfw literally me
>tfw ethnic pole
like pottery

Probably because they're so proud of themselfs in general. Nothing bad in it tho, unless you've no bounds and go overboard.

>I mean we call ethnic polish americans polaks
you'd have to be an actual sandy vagina to get offended by that

i dont really care about my mom being polish, although, after i found out that germans were planning on killing like 80% of poles in ww2 i found myself hating them. for some reason knowing they would have murdered you and your mother makes u dislike a people.

That's not the same thing and you know it.

They haven't the blue pill.

It's all true though.

Although I'll add I hate pondering about ww2 and the times of partitions.

Sometimes I feel like it's the only thing people know about Polish history despite that officially we had a pretty good run from 966 to late XVIII century(and unofficially it started 200 earlier).

I despise the ww2 memes, I hate talking about it and mourning it every day.

Haven't taken.
Redneck and polak bashing is similar to "newfie" bashing in Canada. It's bigotry and it's fun but it's ok because niggers and kikes are special snowflakes so you have to direct your bullying elsewhere.


I don't give a shit about poland one way or the other.

>for some reason knowing they would have murdered you and your mother makes u dislike a people.
It's called perspective and if you get put in the victims place it somehow gets different from what the observer feels and sees.

Good man.

We love Poland.

>mfw i sent german BVB fans to an immigrant neighborhood in madrid when they asked me directions (father is portuguese and i take after him)

Why then are they still profoundly loyal to the guys who sold them out first to the Russians, Prussians and Austrians and then didn't do much at all protest the invasion of a guy who wished to genocide them?

I just feel it's uncalled for bringing up those historical things in an article about increasing amounts of auto thefts on the Polish-German border.

>go to a random video on yt
>this video just mentions israel
>the comments are full of stormfront, muslim, and leftist butthurt

we still love you, Poland

I know. I noticed that as well.

I once wrote a positive comment about Israel in a video about the israel - palestine conflict and I got zerged.

Too bad when Le Pen wins you'll be hating us the next day, heh.


I love poland

don't be so pessimistic
she won't deport you,
you guys are hard worker

Because she loves Russia for sponsoring her, and loving Russia and liking Poland is something you can't do at the same time because we're enemies since forever and we'll stay that way till the end of time.

If I could I would deport all Mexicans and blacks and replace them with poland. But you must all speak American.

Of course she won't deport me, I'm in Poland.

>Because we're enemies since forever
Nobody gives a fuck about poles in Russia

Have a sucubbus.

I don't know. I grew up around Indians and arabs. I can tell you more about the middle east.

That's sad.

Finns on Sup Forums are like this too.

That's bullshit quite some of you like to meme here.

I already proved you wrong multiple times by linking your top news portals search engines with "Poland" and "Poles" being in 1-2 news every day.

Nobody hates Poland in Spain.


No we're not, most of us just shrug off this shit with banter. As far as i've seen it just get's heated when both insult each other. Also Russians seem to like the pic related.

tfw no polish czarownica gf

>i-it's just banter!
>we totally don't have an inferiority complex against all our neighbours!
same thing happens with norway and finland when sweden is involved

id rather have inferiority complex and live in a habitable non violent country than have a superiority complex and live in a country where somalis nade each others and set cars on fire

Why would we have an inferiroirty complex towards you? Norway is literally better country tan you and we lead in some areas. Only thing i don't like about swedes is their eternal moral high ground. like your post. You're not special, we're not special, Norwegians might be special but they cheat with oil. Just be happy that you live in th ebest part of the world and shut your piehole. Also most russians are brotier people.

Ur too poor.


I think they are kinda jelly of Poland, in which there is no immigrant problem.
don't take it seriously

Sweden's that bad? Oh lord.

and that is why you set National Unity Day that commemorates throwing out Poles from Kremlin?
Yup it sounds like no fuck given

We was under polish occupation (I know you like this word) and we overthrew your forces in 1612.
The funniest thing is that no one know about history of this day, maybe a couple his-fags and elders.
Unity Day/Day of Russian Empire's past, but not a day when poles gets btfo.

You are delusional. Nobody really cares about your country. Why is Poland or Poles never featured in notable movies, games, TVseries, cartoons, anime etc? Because of Russian-German-Jewish conspiracy lol?

I have no idea how that post could cause you to write such a reply.

It's if like someone would be talking about engines and suddenly you jump off a tree and start yelling "bananas". I know it might sound strange but that's how it looks like.

I really don't get it too,
I'm not tryna insult somebody now, but it seems like poles are just crybabies or attention whores idk, it's really strange.

Hello Poland i just came by to say that I like you


Why cant we all just get along and hate germany?

Prety much this.

>Why is Poland or Poles never featured

You're kidding right?



Don't know, let me ask my grandpa.

Stop complaining, you are way to soft.

Just accept people talk bullshit, you do no get half the banter the US recieves.

Come on man.

I am basically half polish, my grandma allways told me that poles are extra proud of their country due to it not existing properly the last centuries and thus easily triggered.

A nation of vermin criminals

Never forget goys.


Be proud asshat, do you know that poles killed people in concenration camps aswell?

Thanks for contributing to the brain dead cycle of revanchism.

Isn't that because you have some kind of protest with thousands of people going on right now?

you could say getting invaded by germany was hella-caus-tly

I like Poland

UNIRONICALLY top 5 place in europe to live and raise a family imo

Slavs aren't white

It's Maidan lite.

>Why do you hate us so?
Polish Death Camps

>I mean what the fuck did a Pole from Poland like me do to you?
Steal my bike.

>be brits
>get ALLAH'D

can't make this up lol

Problem is poland is used by non euro easterners as gateway for criminal shit as well, but they worked heavily on it.

I feel poles get pushed by school education to be buttmad about history as we are educated to feel guilt.

You can see the results in poles vandalising memorials of victims kf post war polish crimes and/or even refusing they exist the same way you see our politicians handle the"refugees".

I wonder what's going on in Slovakia.

if you like having to move to other countries get a decent job poland sure is a top nation.

Malmo comes out on top though in that category.

Poland is just big shitty version of Czechia with heavy East Slavic influence. Czech rep is better in almost every way. Statistics and popular opinion on both countries confirm, don't bother arguing in defense of your weak irrelevant shithole Poolacks.

It's true their wages are not high, but the cost of living is also not high. If you can make money online, living outside of Western Europe is easy

>comparing one of our shittiest ghetto towns to their capital
you arent really helping poland

I'm trying to help *you*. Diversity isn't strength.

>Come on man.

I should make a Danzig one too.

What if Poland were a small cunt like Czech rep, which means no mass polish immigration to Britain, Germany etc?

Thats like comparing pictures of destroyed eastern polish cities with rebuilt ones that are now russian.

Even they make that look good.

Also, are you an actual pole or diaspora?

>Thats like comparing pictures of destroyed eastern polish cities with rebuilt ones that are now russian.

It's called Agitprop.

>Also, are you an actual pole or diaspora?

I'm a Greek.

Why are British so mean to us, we respect you in Poland :(

they are tunderes

Ah ok, diaspora then.

Regardless hoe I dislike I am greek guy, he at least created a proper meme and taught us about identity issues.

>I still believe he is a turk.

Probably because its more socially acceptable to hate on whitey, as well as many polish workers supposedly not being arsed to learn proper english as they just want to earn money and then leave again.

Poles should not be their first worry.

You'll thank me later.

I won't and your refusal to actually talk to me instead of trying and admittedly managing to trigger me shows your intentions.

>Tfw you try to convince Poles they do not need to feel attacked and you get targeted by Diaspora due to being german so he can feel more polish.

The intent of these images isn't anti-German. Sorry if I triggered you.

The ones that hate Poland are probably "liberals". Ironically enough, the guys with anime avatars are are usually the most Sup Forums tier on youtube comments, more often than not spouting memes about refugees and cucking. Hungarians are Hungarians I guess

Either way, you shouldnt give two shits about comments section on any media source

It is really fucking offensive to me.

If it is meant to illustrate the rebuilding effort you could have left the deutsch out of this, so I assume it is meant to hurt sentiments or meant to have poles feel so good about being better than filthy germs.


M8, his just shitposting, let it go.

Still believe you were baiting me, but no worries.
Thanks man, I know.

I am lying in bed with my doggo sleeping next to me and christmas time in front of me. I am relaxed and content and just like writing with people on the chins right now.

How are you holding up in the cold, dark north?