I have never been more proud to call this man the president...

I have never been more proud to call this man the president. The look of pure American anger in his face when he received word of the Orlando shootings is something to admire and respect.

W wouldn't have ever cared about anything this much.

Pic related: it's the greatest president of the United States To have ever existed.

>Muslim terrorist illegally enters a gun-free zone and illegally shoots faggots
>"We need to remove assault weapons from all law-abiding citizens"

Fuck the president


you mean the right one trying to hide his kek face ?

With legally purchased weapons.

Not angry enough to actually mention Islam as a motivation.

Face it that Uncle Tom is fake as fuck.

And the boston marathon bombers killed people with a legally purchased pressure cooker. What's your point faggot?

even ole Abe is angry.


How does this negate the other two?

"i'm so proud that he had an an angry look on his face"

jesus, american standards went down the fucking shit hole.

And he stood his ground and never mentioned the word Islam because he knows that is a religion of peace and no Muslim would ever commit such a terrible act of terror. They are basically Amish.

Just proves that giving guns to citizens isn't a good idea.

Please. He's angry for three reasons.

1. He's a major LGBT and muslim sympathizer and this incident shits all over everything he's worked for for the last 8 years.

2. It just further highlights his failure to enact gun control.

3. It pretty much secured Trump's nomination as the next prez.

You better check yourself before you do to youself what President Obama did to the economy, national security, world stability, and race relations.

After the last seven years I'm starting to think that having a weak and ineffective president with a corrupt administration makes things worse instead of better.

guns go bye bye

I wish you were one of the 50 fags killed earlier

They want you to believe that because they want to take your fucking weapons from you. When the weapons are gone, then the slaughter fest will really begin. Even the slaves dont even know they're slaves yet thats how you know they're truly worthless cunts.

>fails to address the Muslim issue

Pick one


I prefer having a serious, sincere president than george shithead, his cousin or trump


Anything else too cloudy?

I don't understand, do you mean that the isis terrorist and the governement are working together to
> confiscate any weapon in the country
> kill everyone in the country

Tell me more wise friend

And race? Oh just wait this will turn into a racial deal too because that fucking retarded piece of shit we call our president makes a HUGE deal out of nothing. Kid shoots up a church? CONFEDERATE FLAG MUST BE PUT AWAY. Kid goes on killing spree with a sword? OHP BETTER BAN STAR WARS

He looks like someone told him he can't have any more fried chicken.

He's mad because he realized that a bunch of people just saved a ton on their life expectancy by switching to Trump.

Seriously, when the news broke that someone shot up a gay bar, Liberals all across America had their fingers crossed and were chanting, "Please be white and Christian...Please be white and Christian..."

Then he turned out to be brown and Muslim and they all put on their mental gymnastics outfits and starting the arduous task of shifting the blame to the NRA. But even they don't believe their bullshit this time around.

Therefore we need to ban all guns and pressure cookers.


He incited this act of terror though

You do know that Muslims know how to make explosives, right? They're pretty fucking good at it too.

Banning guns wasn't stopping this religious extremist from killing a bunch of people. At best it would just change his method.

no more pew pew for the amerifag, you will only die of burgers
> holy kek

How many pressure cookers did the US army need to invade iraq?

No, they weren't legally purchased at all...

He has pushed terrorism to a whole new level of a point where there are breakouts all over the world because muslims are being treated like shit so they feel the need to realiate. We either need to get them the fuck out as terrible is that is or america will end up like france/britain covered in nasty sand niggers who riot in the streets and chase off the police in massive droves.They act normal in society and then next thing you know an underground revolt has started. Shits intense

That's funny- my "assault weapons" (I currently own 6 of them) has never killed anyone when I've used them.
I am fairly certain they haven't knocked up the neighbor's teenage daughter either, or ripped the tags off beds illegally too.
It's almost like they don't do anything without the user deciding how they are going to be used.
What a fucking weird idea, huh?!

Can you prove that or is your last name Clinton?


I recommend watching the episode of Vice on drone strikes helping terrorist recruiting. Obama has spent eight years on the gold course and his Middle East strategy has made things a lot worse. Our Middle East policy has been bad for awhile, and the European colonial policies started the bad policies. But targeting civilians with drone strikes is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

Trump is a terrible choice for president, but Obama made him look presidential. Obama failed to mention radical islam, and instead called for restricting second amendment rights. My understanding is lgbqt groups are endorsing Trump now. Hillary has disenfranchised millenials and progressives by rigging the primary against Bernie, and Obama is driving anyone with an iq over 90 to Trump.



So ? You're just turning away the evidence. What people mean is :

> We can't control every person with a gun
> letting everyone have a gun is the most dangerous thing we could thing of
> Let's ban guns like EVERY other civilized country did

False, some guns were designed for target shooting such as the .22. And the 5.56 round when created by Eugene Stoner was never meant to kill only wound so you take 3 men out of the fight. The injured and the two men to take him out of the fight

Bitch please you wish you could suck your own dick.

Worked out great for France, right?

Well said. And when the shit hits the fan, what side do you think those billions of "moderate" Muslims will be on?

>Taking guns away from law abiding citizens
>only people who do not abide by laws have guns
>implying this is the most safe way to control Islamic extremism.

So ban assault pressure cookers?
Getting pot roast isn't worth the lives, I'm sure you'll give it up too.

And false, lets look at Switzerland, a civilized county, has very few gun laws and very little violent crime. Now lets look at France, very heavy gun laws yet there was a terror attack that left 130 dead and firearms were used there. Gun laws don't work

great day for us conservatives :) :) :) 50 AIDS monkeys dead and it was all done by a muslim terrorist. the left is so so so fucking ANTI-AMERICAN its not even FUNNY. they KNOW that moselems are the problem because its MOSELEMS who kill us... you dont see anyboody else doing those acts. praying every day that TRUMP wins this whole election and shillary ends up in prison where her ass belongs and bernie... well... god will take care of that old fag loving piece of commie shit. our man TRUMP is gonna win, just give the fuck up. and hopefully that stupid fag loving pope goes with obummer out the door.

BTW........ there was a time ( believe it or not) when gays were called out and exiled for being the sin loving pieces of garbage they are. that time is coming back


Nice analysis, sadly you fail to see that Trump is everything but a solution, the guy is cliché, he doesn't understand jackshit to politics, he's only appreciated because he's saying stuff that a lot of people say in the country, he's the edgy hero people were waiting for. If he does get elected, this will only get worse, having trump as a president is like having that stupid drunk dude in bar that always say cuck stuff as president.

We apparently can't control everyone with a car.

Therefor letting everyone have a car is the most dangerous thing we could do.

Let's ban cars like EVERY other civilized country did.

See how fucking stupid you sound?

Operation #rainbowlivesmatter
>spray rainbow dicks on mosques in support of this attack by the islamic religion on the lgbt community
>sodomize islamic men take photos and spread their pictures on social media that they are gay
Islam has hid behind its lies for far too long, its time the world took a stand against this evil cult of death and hatred #YESALLMUSLUMS
If its holy war they crave perhaps the other side should start fighting back

but it's black

We've never needed Donald J Trump more than we do right now. I assure you this never would've happened if he was running our country.

>Orlando shootings is something to admire and respect

Who fucking knows, all I know is shits hitting the fan and theres either gonna be a civil war or a world war, either one in the near future. I dont like this at all

The difference between you and me. I lold hard

>Pic related: it's the greatest president of the United States To have ever existed.

Total fucking lemon. Bush 43 1/2.

Fuckin nig nog has screwed us over so hard.

I don't know, let's look at countries where Islam is the rule of law.

How are gays treated in those countries? Well, since Islam is a religion of peace I assume they are treated peacefully, right.

Oops, they kill them. Well there goes that narrative.

Do you accept mass shootings as a necessary evil associated with maintaining current legislation regarding the purchase and ownership of guns?

right, because Trump, is totally gonna prevent muslims from hating America

Why are assault rifles legal for civilians to own?

you mean you are proud of the president that won't say the attack was a muslim terrorist attack, and instead is trying to say guns are the problem?

If it wasn't for that, the bombing and shooting would be a lot easier.

I don't much about the shooting, was the dude a citizen of the country ? I guess so. The weapons he bought were legally obtained, right ? So... ? What did you learn today ?

Cars and guns, that's totally the same thing. RIGHT. EVERYONE HAS CANCER, LET'S BAN CANCER RIGHT
> that's how stupid you sound

The nigger didn't say that

box cutters and passenger jets aren't designed to kill people, but that didn't stop 9/11.

so you are proud of being an american hating muslim apologist faggot OP?

If the populace has guns, nobody accept the police and government will. THEY STARTED THIS. Do you want them to be the only ones with weapons, friend? That doesnt make sense. Why dont you want to protect yourself why are you putting your life in other peoples hands when you can garuntee something on your own. Why are you a sheep?

>muslim terrorist murders pepole: pledges himself to isis
>claims it's just a hate crime and religion has nothing to do with it.
>claims gun control is needed
>everyone was unarmed

Man, what a good president...

Anyway, 8/8 fell fo da bait

OP I agreed with you 100%. I also think this man has done such a fine job in office, that I wish he could just stay on and continue presidency until he dies. I have so much respect and admiration for this man. Our first black president. Our best president.

USE your guns and KILL MUSLIMS, do not wait for them to do these things to you, they are a scourge on this world, instead of arguing/defending gun rights actually use them as something else other and a dick extension, YOU have NO FREEDOMS when this mudslime scum is in your country getting away with these things while YOU sit at home saying "well its not in my backyard im safe here with my guns that i have no intention on using, gee golly im glad i have these rights"

Guns are the problem you fucking degenerate nigger.





No, but they are inevitable while maintaining current legislation regarding immigration and with the current government's fear of offending radical Islam.

Why are you attacking me friendo? You didn't answer my question.

I'm sure Obama was thinking about you when he said no more gun

>Yfw he's angry at guns and not terrorists

So niggers and mudslimes aren't violent at all.
Go call one a nigger to their face.
Be sure to record and upload it for us.

Nothing is going to prevent them from hating America. Our very way of life offends their religious beliefs.

He can do a much better job of defending us from their hostility than Hillary can though.

Obvious troll is obvious...

yes he did faggot, he gave a speech to america a few hours ago blaming guns and saying america has a choice to make in how it makes gun laws. and literally stated "the motive for the attack is unclear"

after we already know
1. shooter called 911 at start of attack and pledged allegiance to ISIS
2. shooter shouted allah akbar while gunning people down in gay club
3. shooter was devout muslim, son of afghan parents, whose father is a taliban supporter
4. shooter was already previously investigated by FBI multiple times for making terroristic comments at his work
5. shooters social media is full of ISIS support, anti semitic comments, and general mudslime garbage

I fuckin love Obama
I wish he could have like 10 more terms

>Bernie is only savior
>Clinton and Trump will ruin everything

Banning guns would not have stopped him or his desire to indiscriminately kill faggots. He would have found another way via IEDs.

You're on the wrong side of history here.

That's sooper pritty though

And that's a good thing.

Unstable middle East keeps the petro dollar in place and keeps monetary strength. You sad fucks have no idea how the world works

no, but he can AND WILL carpet bomb every fucking one of them. fucK them fuck their families and fuck their children. filthy sandmonkeys one and all. nuke the middle east and you will have no more issues here guaranteed

no you retard

everyone is a walter white when they don't have anymore guns, so let's not ban them, right.


the last thing on his mind is terrorism

or, he would have just bought a gun anyway, the same way people buy meth and crack and 'hot' guns right now

Trump outlined what his immigration policy would be, and it's not any good. He's not a good choice, but is less bad than Hillary. Bernie provided a chance to vote for an actual progressive, but Hillary and the DNC made sure Hillary got more delegates (think Wisconsin).

DNC supporters/donors make money off of the bad policies of Obama and the Clintons. Bill was behind privatizing prisons, and blacks get sent to jail at higher rates so Clinton donors can make more money. The people who make money off of drone strikes in the Middle East donate to Obama and Hillary. As bad a Trump's policies will be (a yuuge wall, its size will be inversely proportionate to the size of Trump's hands) they will be less bad than Hillary's policies would be.

I consider it necessary for the left to realize that their attempts to get muslims and gays to play nice will not work.

yea this dichotomy is TOTALLY rhetorically valid, buying a gun and killing fifty people is totally the same as buying a pressure cooker and making a bomb! i mean, gun deaths account for more than 30,000 fatalities in America annually, and pressure cookers clock in at a close second. Plus, both guns and pressure cookers have a lot of things you can use them for other than killing or maiming people. I'd start applying to policy think tanks ASAP if i were you

I did 3 tours in iraq, ive killed my share and i loved every minute of it, i was paid to kill men women and children, i relished every kill orders or not the whole unit eas just begging for one of those ragheads to give us any reason to shoot them and their sons dead and we did, we killed them with impunity and now back in MY country people are defending islam, i would kill them now even without being paid to

> living on the country that started all
> nuke 'em

Do you play fallout my friendo?

I'm not going to call a nigger "a nigger" to its face. I have class.

The FBI interviewed the moslem killer 3 times in regards to his associations with known terrorists and comments he made indicating support of them. For 9 years, he was an armed security guard for G4S. In each instance, the Fucking Bunch of Idiots closed their "investigations" and found that this moslem was ok, and could continue to carry a weapon for his job, and he could buy more guns if he wanted. This is a complete failure of our fucked up SJW liberal government and has nothing to do with legal gun ownership, which we apparently need now more than ever to protect ourselves as our government is not doing so.