4 years ago we posted his videos as a joke. Everyone laughed and no one could take him seriously

4 years ago we posted his videos as a joke. Everyone laughed and no one could take him seriously

>559 716 subscribers
Half a million.

And before you say "These are all just people laughing!". Look at the like/dislike rate. Look at the forums. Look at his other social media.
He has hundreds of thousands of very real followers.

How THE FUCK did he do it?

Other urls found in this thread:


bump for justice. There must be some oldfags here that remembers.

>How THE FUCK did he do it?

>4 years ago we posted his video as a joke.

read your own thread spazzle

I don't think people on Sup Forums is his demographic.

Oh come on guys, am I the only one that remembers?


how the fuck did he do it?
>4 years ago we posted his video as a joke
>the Sup Forumstards who stormed his videos and watched them to joke and laugh at them
>was a catalyst for his views bumping his videos higher on the list
>a few Sup Forumstards sharing the videos so it could spread and others could "laugh"
>videos is considered "viral" cause a bunch of Sup Forumstards have been watching it laughing and the view count took off
>videos start showing up in feeds and other normies start watching them because of the free marketing Sup Forumstards gave it

thanks to Sup Forums a bunch of shit that shouldn't have views or shouldn't have anyone that cares about it now does because we were the catalyst that started it's popularity by bringing it to light whether as a joke or not
you basically did the same thing to those videos as Sup Forumstards do with that fucking banana
you forced it so hard that retards took the bait and began doing it themselves thinking they are doing what everyone else does



> a bunch of shit that shouldn't have views
You just described 90% of youtube

Is that it?
He must have done something else.
Did he recruit people in real life? Spam his videos on some site?

thats what happens when the joke backfires.

all honesty i don't watch the vids and i don't know what he has done for views over the years
and obviously what i said isnt the ONLY way he got views there are always more contributing factors ye know
just saying in a few things like this Sup Forums and Sup Forums was the catalyst that helped start it in some cases

he could have
or could be that after he got initial popularity and started getting recognized whether it was just laughing at him or not he may have gotten noticed by a youtube network/subnetwork which then began pushing his vids around
le shrug
no idea Sup Forumsro just giving an opinion


It's all good, and you are right about traffic helping.

I just want deeper insight.
This has got to be one of the most successful cults of the 21th century.

I wonder how much money he is making.

Found this guy a few years ago, watched a few vids because wtf is this shit. He ripped off the Extra Credits format too :\


Same guy snuck into a hospital to find out if they used healing crystals.

hory shet

is it really this fucking easy to sneak around a hospital?
just get a facemask and scrubs and you can walk in on any surgery you'd like

I personally love spirit science.

been a subby for over a year now.

fuck you OP

Out of curiosity, how did you find his videos, and why do they appeal to you?
Have they improved your life?

My old youtube account is subscribed still, I'd unsub but my phone number changed and the dual authentification won't let me login.
Had a laugh tho.

someone mentioned how i needed to watch and learn about the sacred of Geometry. Spirit science was the vid that opened my eyes about it all. not sure how the guy who recomended it to me found it though...

Have they improved your life?

oh... and it appeals to me because sort of combines science with religion which is personally a really cool thing to me and just makes a lot of sense.

nope lol

...the urge to make this a crystals thread...

I understand.
Have you ever bought any book he recommended?

I haven't.. interested yeah but no..

I see.
What was your religious background before? I can easily see it clash with things like Christianity.

please tell me you aren't having a convo with yourself to bump thread OP

HA nah he's not i can screen cap to prove.
and Christianity