ITT: pleb opinions

ITT: pleb opinions

>radiohead have way better albums than the king of limbs

>Radiohead make good music

well, King of Limbs was another direction and it is not a signature album compared to the others. In my opinion king of lims was 80% popularized shit. not bad shit but nothing exciting.

go get into krautrock and techno then come back and tell me king of limbs is nothing interesting. Fucking plebs dont get it i swear

>music is good

>mfw Sup Forums is finally beginning to realize that king of limbs is actually radiohead's best

radiohead's only good album. this is not a joke. if you think otherwise you need to think harder.

I've listened to krautrock and techno and king of limbs is nothing interesting.

lol no u pleb

i love u

Make the case for why anything other than "Bloom," "Lotus Flower," or "Separator" is worth half a shit.

I like King Of Limbs.
It has a feel very much like its coverart, it's a short little detour for Radioheads sound into a strange forest. Nothing monumental, just an interesting sidenote, for variety.

>hail to the thief is bad
it may not be cohesive, but every song is fucking great.

It usually takes a while for albums to truly be appreciated. Certainly better than being flavor of the week and being forgotten in a month.

all about the atmosphere and rhythms baby

listen to it more

I've listened to it about six times now. Those three tracks continue to stand out, while, if anything, the other ones just keep getting worse

I mean if you're looking for hooks and melodies you're not going to be satisfied by king of limbs. It's all about the rhythms.. each track is built out of a robotic, complex rhythm (radiohead sampled a second or two of their instruments and looped them for the record). The rhythms are just fantastic though. Just really damn excellent. Like Morning Mr Magpie... those hi hats are just brilliant.

The rhythms are really, really dense, which they were able to do because of the sampling and looping. You really need to be able to appreciate the hypnotic state that a good rhythm can put you in, which is why I was saying to get into krautrock and techno in order to get this album.

Radiohead really never did anything like this album before or after, well, maybe a couple of tracks on Kid A and Amnesiac had the same focus on rhythm but those were few and far between. In any case King of Limbs is far more fully realized because it's not just done with electronics, it's organic instruments played and looped... it's just a joy to listen to all the different layers, like 2:30 to 3:00 in Little by Little as an example

Another cool thing about the album is how it progresses over time... it starts off extremely tight with the first three songs especially, then by the time you get to Codex (best track on the album btw) the complex rhythms have subsided in favor of pure atmosphere (the birdsounds at the end of Codex into Give Up The Ghost is one of the best things radiohead have ever done). and GUTG is just great because it's like a breath of fresh air, you've got an actual guitar melody now.. but the heart of the song is still rhythm and repetition, with the looping of Thom's voice. Separator is then a return to the complex rhythms that the album started with. It's just all so cohesive. I can't get enough of it

Anyway this was a bit of a ramble, just my thoughts unedited. have a ducc

youre envisioning the wrong thing in your head


Really nice description, user.
What's your opinion on the B-Sides?

this, just seeing that pleb opinion made me mad

>Another cool thing about the album is how it progresses over time
>released at the end of february
>spend following weeks listening to the album on my daily commute
>the cold winter slowly passes on, snow and ices melt giving way for spring, leading into summer
>realize the tracklisting is a perfect allegory for this, starting out as cold and dense, but slowly mellowing out into something more warm and sparse complete with bird song and all, ending with the happy and upbeat summer tune separator
>the king of limbs is actually a sonic representation of spring

oh, sorry for not contributing to the thread
i guess it's back to listening to TKoL :)

This is seriously one of the best albums of all time and the best radiohead album

Bretty great tbqh. None of them really would fit on the album, except maybe Staircase; it pisses me off when people say KOL would have been better with them. But they're great radiohead songs, Daily Mail and Staircase especially. Can't complain.

holy fug

This is actually pretty cute of thinking of it.

thers's no best radiohead album...
There's pablo honey(if I can call it the worst) n the rest


>being this gay