This is the most accurate rating of songs on Loveless

prove me wrong

Sometimes is the only shit song.

how dare you Come in Alone is fire

OP you are

>5 stars
>not the worst song on the album
End this mem.

Go fuck yourself this is the most accurate

>Sometimes 5 stars
>Come in Alone not 5 stars
Top plen

Discuss Sup Forums

Track ratings in order (I'm on my phone so I can't cap it):

Touched is 0/10

Holy fuck, could you be more wrong?

>Secretly hoping Sup Forums keeps memeing this album to death because it's average at best

Only Shallow - 8.5/10
Loomer - 9/10
Touched - 7/10
To Here Knows When - 10/10
When You Sleep - 8/10
I Only Said - 8/10
Come In Alone - 7.5/10
Sometimes - 9/10
Blown A Wish - 7/10
What You Want - 7/10
Soon - 11/10

why don't you guys like come in alone

it's like

a bad opinion

It's kinda forgettable, but still good

It's objectively the best song on the album.

Explain yourself.

There's not much to explain. Try listening to the album again, but without being a pleb this time.

>that part in the third verse where the vocal melody goes up two extra steps

I know three people who like this album. Two of them browse mu and r9k. Maybe it's no coincidence that awkward virgins put this album on a pedestal.

It's objectively a mediocre album which is a high praise considering shoegaze being a mind numbing genre.


Only Shallow - 10
Loomer - 8
Touched - 7
To here knows when - 9
When you sleep - 10
I only said - 9
Come in alone - 8
Sometimes - 10
Blown a wish - 8
What you want - 8
Soon - 10

It's impossible to prove you wrong
idk my dad has it and he was able to crank me out
also no

Can someone explain to me what's so amazing about Soon? It's literally the worst song on the album.


End yourselves

the song where kevin sings probably deserves a four

Come In Alone and What You Want are two of the best songs on the album fuck you

>he rates his music