How would an eventual brexit influence the pound sterling? I'm about to foot a very large bill in said denomination...

How would an eventual brexit influence the pound sterling? I'm about to foot a very large bill in said denomination, and I'm uncertain whether to postpone it until after the referendum or not.

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no shit it would, but it wont happen

Negatively by FAR. I'm pro-out and I can tell you that much. The markets already dipped a few times when the UK fluttered towards out during polls about the issue.

>thinks ol dave wants to stay in the eu

this is why the UK is so missinformed, hopefully not living in England we'll feel a lesser backlash because of idiots like you voting out

This. Never going to happen.

The referendum is already causing the pound to lose value, investors don't like uncertainty. The remain vote will probably still win and it will bounce back at that point, so you'll probably want to make the exchange a couple of days before the vote

the pound will fall in price, but will come up shortly after.

Out is currently ahead in the polls with a steady growing lead, maybe this will turn round towards the end of the polling date and the in campaign win the referendum but I don't see that happening.

I've filled in my postal vote for out and just awaiting the out come now. :-)

Can someone fill me in on this?

I keep seeing these threads but I don't know the pros/cons of England staying/leaving.

Just curious.

you have a central bank, user.
the thing is, attracting capital is one of the biggest factors in this. if brexit leads to less investment in britain the pound will get under presure to decrease value. if brexit strenghtens investment, the pound will experience presure to soar

The markets fluctuate constantly. Billions moved arounf the world at the press of a button, chasing profits. Nothing to do with Brexit!

If they leave, expect Sterling to go down faster a newcastle chavette after two bottles of Diamond White...

It *might* be better 5 years later (though that's debatable, and I personally think the downsides are way worse), but for the next few years after the UK economy is fucked.

pros : more profit because no taxes to eu
cons: no trades with eu, 50% of trade is with eu,
unless contracts with eu.
Britian has no such power as right now, inside the parlament or sth, if it rejoins the EU party it wont have any power.

Why the fuck are you asking b?

potentionally less prosperity for more souvereignty.
and newer: less immigration. cause that seems to fire up people more


The pound will drop if Britain votes out, but if Britain votes in it will rise

and Britain looks like it's going to vote in. So it's likely the value pound will rise next week

But it is though. The pound has been lsoing value to the dollar slowly for ages now. Less slowly than other currencies sure, but still.

Pros: Less EU regulation of law.
Cons: Less EU regulation of law.

Do you really want Theresa May to not have the restrictions of the European Convention on Human Rights, when she's trying to hammer home more laws that restrict your privacy online?

Pros: Less UK money sent to Europe.
Cons: Less EU money to the UK.
Do you know any farmers? Theyre fucked without EU subsidies - we get 3 billion every year in the form of the Common Agricultural Policy, plus farmers exports to Europe amount to 11 billion.
Likewise, regional aid. If you live in london, you dont really get much from the EU, but if you live in the Highlands, or Wales, or Cumbria, then your communities will have received millions in EU funding.

And plenty of others. Freedom of travel - do you ever cross into Europe by plane or ferry? Then you'll need visas to do so if we leave. Same as a syrian immigrant trying to enter would.

the impact is pretty vast.

Out is in the lead.

The markets always fluctuate. It might take a hit, it might not. The important thing is getting off this stupid ship.

Currency always fluctuates. It may dip to begin with, but our economy should flourish outside of the EU, at which point it'll be on the climb.

getting off this stupid ship might be a good idea, but only if you don't rush aboard the US one instead...

This would be curing a cold to get cancer...

Pound is going to fucking nose dive. Bank in the biggest financial district in the world atm. When people have to start paying taxes on their money to get it out the uk them people will stop doing business there. Less investment, gdp starts going backwards. Britain goes back into recession. Everyone sells their pounds and there is more on the market which makes them less valuable.

Yep. Britain is the 16th highest exporter of food in the world but the 5th highest importer. Shits about to get very expensive to import so domestic produce will be more in demand which will drive the price of that up too

> but our economy should flourish outside of the EU

Almost 1/2 of our national trade is with the EU -all of which will be impacted by taxation and additional fees which will impact trade as a non-EU body.

The EU is the largest single economic body on the planet.

The idea that we will flourish is optimistic at best.

I still can't make my mind up 100% on which way I will vote. There are a lot of pros and cons from both sides, and also a lot off bullshit headlines and made up 'facts' and figures to sift through.

Pounds will dip, a good few points, wait until after the vote if you can and will not face charges, if it's a vote to stay, hey no problem you gotta pay your bill, if you can wait until after and it dips because of a vote to leave, then you saved a few bob


This week 3 polls show Leave having a 6, 10, and 18 point lead respectively.

Even the bookies are slashing the odds for Brexit.
Bookies always get these things right.