Made the best fucking decision of my life today, Sup Forums

Made the best fucking decision of my life today, Sup Forums

Got into the gym, skipped the piss-easy stuff and went straight to exercises that are most likely to show results.

This is Day #1 of the first exercise in my fucking life, and I've been at it for the last 6 hours.

I'm only stocking up on standard Creatine supplements for now, so I can build up better deposits and whatnot.

Now, the question is, what's the best, most vigorous workout? I know it all depends on what I'm looking for, but I want that fat stomach of mine toned, and my arms to pop a little better.

No hating here, like I said it's day one and I'm still nowhere near as perfected as I should be.

Also, why aren't you turning your life around by hitting the gym? I've got a reputation to uphold and a fiancee to keep happy.

What drives you?

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Idk I do this and a 30 pound wight for like 100
and running for like 5 or 10 min then a couple doumbel side curls

>What drives you?

Moving the fuck out.

Congrats on taking your first steps to try and be less of a faggot. We're real proud of you.

What drives me?

This guy.

You got results from this stuff?
That seems like something I'd easily be into.
I'm a runner, so I can work most of that into my usual daily workout.

>what drives you
My waifu of course

Oh sweet, can we carpool? I gotta go pick up milk

Sure lil nigga hop in

way to go man, keep pushing.

this is only the beginning, the real hard part is not giving up halfway

Not gonna happen, man.
I'm doing this every day.

Got a friend who's ex military and he has permission to literally beat my ass if I quit.

I'm seeing this all the way through, and I'm becoming the best I can fucking be.

Only got one life, might as well spend it perfect.

>You got results from this stuff?

I was doing like 400 sit ups until recently just switched into this workout

Also I forgot you need to do around 300 pushups too

I workout 5-6 days a week
fucked up recently and havent worked out in 3 days because I have been doing coding as shit
But yeah I wake up at 5AM to get used to the Military later on
Sometimes I workout later at 5PM or later too if I have time
Each workout lasts like 1 hour and 30 minutes in total for me since I am just starting all this shit out.

>Pic related

Dubs never lie.

I'll keep that all in mind and try and work that into my routine.

With any luck, I'll return to Sup Forums in the future with some results.

It's going to take forever to get a 6 though .... this is only like a months progress

ehh I will have something decent by the time school starts back up.

I used to have a 6. Metabolism was perfect, I was naturally muscular, then I hit my 20's and it all began to come to a halt.

So, I'm putting effort in to what I look like now.

My fiancee got with me because I was a lean, 6'3 Scotsman. I'm not becoming some fat bastard when I can be perfect.

I just gotta keep myself on track

that's awesome. way to bring some pride to this shithole.

i started training last year and recently started seeing some hardcore results. never hesitate to ask /fit/ for advice, and no matter what, just keep pushing. I was once the fat guy at the gym, and now i weigh like 180 lbs

Lol, just lol.
3 day split (legs, chest/shoulders/Tri's, back and bis)
10 mins of cardio to warm up
Eat a surplus or defecit of calories depending on goals.
Hop online buy some needles and a couple vials of test (everyone's on steroids it really isn't a big deal, believe me)
1 hour stretching routine before bed.
Do these with consistency and watch ur body change.

196 lbs right now, but my height is a big factor in that.

I'd still like to bring it down to a steady 190 and just shred myself up a little. My legs have always been greatly toned as I used to kick a ball for a living, so they're easy to maintain.

I wish more of Sup Forums was like this

Gotta stay fit if you want to live til yer old

>I wish more of Sup Forums was like this

Go visit /fit/ then bruh

I do 10 minutes cycling for cardio
I'm mostly devouring unsalted pasta and the like for the time being
Plenty of plain eggs too

I've always stretched before bed, but never for an hour. I'll work that one in

As for needles and the roids, I tried them once many years ago and they fucked with my bipolar and I had outbursts and beat up my sibling over a silly spat, so I'll leave them out for now.

I'm always on /fit/, but Sup Forums always complain about body images and whatnot

I just mean this is the best thread I've ever been part of on Sup Forums, so you guys all get kudos for that

same here, i used to be a huge soccer player. I'm only 5'9 so yeah.

regardless, get ready for intense cardio if you want to shred. I would suggest bulking a bit first though

what do you mean by youve been at it for 6 hours? lifting weights the whole time?

I've lost a significant amount of weight in the last 3 months. I got a little out of hand, belly was overhanging etc. I managed to drop from 205 to 190, then I re-bulked to 196~ to work on converting.

Bench, weight, cycling, running, plenty of cooldown but just exercising for 6 hours.

I fucking ache beyond all hell, but I'm not done just yet.

That sucks man. Having 10x the testosterone of any normal man makes me feel like a god, never feel angry or any 'roid rage' shit. But I ain't bipolar so can imagine it may mess with that. I'm just annoyed I was late to the party literally everyone at my gym is on some form of gear, skinny lean guys, big powerlifter guys, shredded bodybuilder guys.

one huge thing that will trim you up is to stop eating and drinking food with high fructose corn syrup. It suppresses leptin which is what control your body's ability to release stored fats. Increase cruciferous vegetables in your diet. They increase testosterone and decrease estrogen in the body for ripping and recovering. These are my top things for getting that athletic body you want. and of course lift weights for muscle mass.

>I fucking ache beyond all hell, but I'm not done just yet.


I get really motivated to workout when I see shit like faggots boasting about outsmarting "breeders"
or niggers yelling about how "the world is more fun with them"
also naturally find the whole mixing disgusting

You gotta get angry to fucking maximum results do what I did and find some shit to get angry at
even if it is yourself.

Fuck man read up on some History and get pissed at all the lives lost for no god dam reason besides lives

If you are a liberal then fucking turn this flop sided
All that matters to work out like an animal is getting mad.

Yeah, it sucks.
But just because I can't be on the strong stuff, doesn't mean I can't work with the slightly weaker stuff.

It'll take more effort, but that's a good thing.

Shit son that's the best walkthrough for this i've ever heart.

I've just copied all that to a notepad and I'm gonna keep all that in mind.

Don't forget that over training is a thing but if six hour workouts make you feel good then fuck it, also diet is just as, if not, more important than lifting. Keep at it fam

That is way to much exercise. you are going to put yourself into starvation mode and store fat not release it.sure you are burning more calories today then you are taking in and you will burn a little fat today, but ultimately your body has to protect itself and if it thinks you are starving it will stop releasing fat and release the protein from your muscles instead to protect you from starving.

Spent 3 hours today during my session violently blasting my voice at myself, being super fucking aggressive to my arms and stomach

Anyone would think I was battling some final boss shit, but it works.

nothing cringier than workout advice on this shit board

Yeah my diet is all regulated and safe, so I'm gonna keep at it but not hurt myself TOO much.

Nah man, my body took an awful lot of shit today and I'm apologising to it right now.

I'm gonna push it, but I won't become some fitness nut that only cares about results. I'm not expecting anything close to a final product until Christmas.

>unsalted pasta

You are a retard if you're trying to buff up on carbs. You need to cut carbs and eat protein. Lean meat and salad, wholegrain rice if you need to. Pasta is absolutely devoid of any nutritional benefits.

Trying to bring others down huh user?

Gotta supplement most lean meats.
Got really bad IBS so chicken, whole pastas and salads etc.

Im not staying on pasta, I just need the carbs to bulk up on, then I'm switching to risotto and all that "wonderful" stuff

Just imagine a vagina right in front of you.
Strive to obtain it.
You can get that puss.

that is what im trying to tell you. if you maintain that much intensity all the time you are going to like the results at christmas. look at marathon runners, they are incredibly intense and can run for ages but they are sickly looking in the body department because they are burning calories much faster then the body can take. You dont have to be a fitness nut, thats why you are here to talk to us who are fitness nuts and can help you get the results you want at a more optimal rate. I am happy to help you there and only wish you the best in this endeavor.

Got the fiancee there most of the time, and she's always raring for dick

You'd think after 2 years it'd slow down, but we're active on ALL fronts, so shit's wonderful.

I prefer to imagine huge tits tbh fam

Don't have a go at them.
Everyone has their reasons for saying whatever it is they say, so I don't get mad at anons trying to put others down.

The hard part is eating right

Thanks, user.
You're a cool guy, I'll be sure to pace myself and not overdo this shit.

way to go, keep it up.

Been working out for about 3 months now i can slowly start to see results!

Yeah this is why I stopped working out every day kek

also whoever said carbs wont bulk you up is right. Carbs you need for energy to keep going but protein is needed for muscle growth. you need about 100 grams of protein a d ay based on your body weight to gain muscle mass. but dot stop taking in carbs because you need that so your body doesnt waste your protein for energy.

I'm not a boob man, which is great as my fiancee is only a b-cup!

But she's lean and curved in the right places, and all the smashing her hole has taken hasn't reduced any of the elasticity in and around it, so my primal instincts just scream "Impregnate the bitch"

Op can we see your dick? Looks like you got a nice bulge going on there and I'm a huge faggot.

Fantastic work! Well done, man.

I also started like three months ago, 30 pushups, squats and sit-ups. Each day I do 2 more, five days a week.
No test or protein or gym, just doing half an hour at home. Excercise is the best to gather confidence, watching your body slowly change gives me hope.

Thanks bro!

I wondered how long it'd take someone to bring up my bulge..

As much as that may be the case, I don't think the other lads would appreciate that.

My only throw-off is the god-awful stretchmarks under my arms thanks to over-working them.

yep those stretch marks happened to me too when i bilked up. I went from 12 inch arms to 18 inch arms in 2 years and i guess my skin couldnt keep up with the growth. no i didnt take drugs or supps. I worked hard with friend of mine who is personal trainer and nutritionist

Nice bait attempt fuck head. Go on /fit/ and read the FUCKING sticky you stupid cunt. Fuck off.

I did read the fucking sticky, smartass
But does the sticky let me interact with other people and get their opinions on shit?

Nah didn't think so



Bit late, fellas
Board's closed and I've got the help I was looking for without going to /shit/

Sup Forums is random so i am pretty sure it doesnt fucking matter what someone posts. Stay the fuck out if you dont like the board, it is that fucking simple..



I am more man that you ever fucken will be pussy i can bomb you away of the fucken planet if i decided to