I'm not religious anymore, but its shit like this that still creeps me the fuck out and keeps me paranoid...

I'm not religious anymore, but its shit like this that still creeps me the fuck out and keeps me paranoid. I can't wrap my head around demons, possession and magic because of shit like this. How do you explain this shit?

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forgot to post vid


explain what shit? the picture? how about you explain it you cuck

whoops, spoke too soon

you can't explain it, there is no evidence.
how can you make a demon confess.

I thought you could make a demon confess his name and stuff and the whole verification is that she had no previous latin (or whatever language that is) training before 1968

yea maby, i dont know. All i know that all paranormal shit i have seen is to be believe in. demons,ghosts,poltergeists orbs.. why not belive in it. But explaining it is another thing, what is there to explain, it's prob the after life, haunting souls or something. In this case all i can think of is satan and that she was disordered with schizofrenia or something.

My explanation is that she had a bug in her brain, which did some damage obviously. Either that or she just flipped with some heavy acids and left her like this

Well her appearance can be explained by malnutrition. Her actions by mental illness. Her "demonic" behavior by a christian background providing a frame of reference to her psychosis.

And as for "speaking in tongues", it's just gibberish, but most syllables etc. vocalizations appear in all languages, so mumble gibberish long enough and you're bound to get some words right in some languages, and even more so to "accidentally" say words you've heard before but may not know the meaning of.

one bad fucking psychosis

>How do you explain this shit?
Because it's true, dingus. Christianity at its foundation is the truth. And the case you are talking about isnt even the best example. Enjoy your secular humanist circlejerk because sir skellington is coming for you

Mental illness is what happened here.

They are demons, flat out. The Lord tells us that the dead know nothing of this world. Jesus loves you, man.

Too many brainwashed christfags in here.

she was epileptic

One of the saddest stories Ive ever seen. She literally raged herself to death while her parents allowed her medication to be witheld from her and instead had a couple of priests chanting like buffoons in latin while she fell apart. She weighed like 60 lbs when she died.

annelise michel m8

No such as thing as possession in islam read the quran guys

absolute bollocks.

it is not a matter of debate. her brain scans prove beyond any doubt she was epileptic. The visions she had were a function of her fits and combined with the ultra religious family she grew up in (and her fathers guilt for an act of infidelity) - it drove her to her breakdon. she was NOT psychotic.

Hallucination as a part of a fit is a known symptom of epilepsy, as if the fact that the person may see the same things again and again.

Hahahahah nice b8m8

The way i see it is that why should humans be so special, we think the world evovle around us, but maybe it is the dogs who are the real possessed creatures.

Why should it only be limited to humans

this thread is winding me up. anyway in summary

she was not mentally ill in the sense most people mean. she was epileptic. when she was taking her medication she was doing well, training to be a teacher, she had a whole life ahead of her

a combination of the hallucinations she suffered while in fits, her very conservative religious upbringing, a huge weight of guilt in the family over an affair (and I think an illegitimate child) her father had had caused her to have a breakdown. she stopped taking her medication, her parents and the priests confirmed the reality of her delusions, and they pushed her over the edge. the priests were given a nominal sentence but everyone involved should have gone down for manslaughter.

while she got sicker and sicker, they stopped her medication, fed her fantasies, wound her up to the point that she literally starved and raged herself to death

her body did not miraculously fail to decay

she she was an intelligent, sensitive, young women - destroyed by the selfishness of her parents righteousness and a PHYSICAL condition she had not control over. she deserves to be remembered as a victim, not as a demon, not as emily rose, and not as a raving lunatic.

The thing about the paranormal is no one will believe you unless they have experienced it. It can be scary, very scary. My own experience is really only believed by my wife, since she was there, everyone else says, cool story bro.

Basically, even with evidence skeptics will still shit over it.

Not even b8, nigger. You are going to die, and sooner than you think. And you will learn exorcism cases come a lot closer to the truth of demons and angels than saturday morning cartoons

Quality post.
+1 up you go

Then: Demons
Now: Medical reasons (expect for some religious people: Still demons)

>the picture?
mick jagger with a herpes outbreak from sucking david bowie's cock

How very edgy of you, child

shut the fuck up, you sound like a overly sensitive queer. Were you fucking the bitch or something?

The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. Everything is energy, including your thoughts. Consistently focusing on a particular thought or idea attracts its vibrational match. How to apply it: Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.

whatever but it happened, they were bisexual lovers

It's not real. It's all in your head.

bitch got punched in the mouth?

The Law of Relativity states that nothing is what it is until you relate it to something. Point of view is determined by what the observer is relating to. The nature, value, or quality of something can only be measured in relation to another object. How to apply it: Practice relating your situation to something worse than yours, and you will feel good about where you are.

The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Be at cause for what you desire, and you will get the effect. All thought is creative, so be careful what you wish for… you will get it. How to apply it: Consistently think and act on what you desire to be effective at getting it.

The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. Hot-Cold, Light-Dark, Up-Down, Good-Bad. In the absense of that which you are not, that which you are… is not. Polar opposites make existence possible. If what you are not didn’t coexist with what you are, then what you are could not be. Therefore, do not condemn or criticize what you are not or what you don’t want. How to apply it: Look for the good in people and situations. What you focus on, you make bigger in your life.

The Law of Rythym states that everything has a natural cycle. The tides go in and back out, night follows day, and life regenerates itself. We all have good times and bad times, but nothing stays the same. Change is constant. Knowing that “This too shall pass” is great wisdom about life’s ebb and flow. How to apply it: When you are on a down swing, know that things will get better. Think of the good times that are coming.

She just imitated Hitler's speeches

Yes, but that doesnt change that you are an edgy teenager that says stupid shit

>How do you explain this shit?
>mentally ill woman
>treated by Catholic witch doctors instead of real doctors
>dies during 10 month long exorcism
>dumbasses "hurr durr, proof of demons"
>mom and priests convicted of negligent homicide
you are a superstitious fool

The Law of Gestation states that everything takes time to manifest. All things have a beginning and grow into form as more energy is added to it. Thoughts are like seeds planted in our fertile minds that bloom into our physical experience if we have nourished them. How to apply it: Stay focused and know that your goals will become reality when the time is right.

The Law of Transmutation states that energy moves in and out of physical form. Your thoughts are creative energy. The more you focus your thinking on what you desire, the more you harness your creative power to move that energy into results in your life. The Universe organizes itself according to your thoughts. How to apply it: Put your energy and effort, your thoughts and actions into attracting what you desire, and you will surely attract the physical manifestation of that energy.

she had hysteria. She needed to have hitachi stuck down her underwear and given some mentally healing orgasms

I'm not a teenager, odds are good that I'm older than you

The only reason you recognize demons and not God, is because you have demons in you and they are the ones whose thoughts you accept. Even demons know God created them, you're worse than a demon.

i'll peruse it next time i'm in the shitter

The exorcism given by the Roman Catholic church distinguishes demonic infestation from mental illness using university trained psychologists. They are two different events at least according to the ritual. As was pointed out, you cant convince someone who has no direct experience. In this case, i believe mental illness played a part or even was the whole cause. But going back to OPs question about how can such things be real? because its real.

The law of the faggot says that if you post lots of stupid shit on Sup Forums someone's going to call you a faggot.

You faggot.