Dont you ever feel like the system we live in is shit?

Dont you ever feel like the system we live in is shit?

Everyone does obv.
Just buy a house and stop complaining.

I feel like sometimes it is shit. But then I wonder if it's still the best it could possibly be. Why does there have to be so much pain and suffering and loneliness and loss if the system is the best possible one? And if it isn't the best possible one, then why not?

And then I drown myself in the sweet nepenthe of dank memes.

the world could be better. but it could also be worse. for now ive chosen to enjoy my place in life cuz im a lot better of than most people in the world.

Everyone that's not rich thinks that

So, the vast majority of people then

What would you change?

And yet you are still comparatively rich in contrast to much of the world.

People who enjoy their lives don't ever feel this way, only bitter people ask these questions and feel this way.

We live in a world which encourages (extreme)diversity and loves to get cucked by shitskin goat fuckers. Of course it's shit.

Why does there have to be so much pain and suffering and loneliness and loss if the system is the best possible one?
Because this is hell?

id disagree. i lovce my life mor ethan anyone i know, but that doesnt mean i dont notice how the system as a whole is shit.

i just recognize that the system has worked in my favor and have chosen to enjoy the hand ive been dealt

If all men would be like you we would still live in feudalism.

Hi, I come to preach political idioligy that will solve all your misunderstanding about our society.

The knee jerk response to what i'm about to say is usually that i'm spoiled or something like that.

But when you really think about it, how much sense does it make for you to have to work for years before you can buy a house you really want? Why do we have to save up for things we want to buy?

What i'm getting at is this. In a real developed prosperous country almost everything major like a house and car should just be provided for us. We shouldn't have to put in time and work to earn something as basic and important as a house. The fact that we do have to do this is a problem.

I mean if you disagree with this you're just wanting us to go through the same trouble you did to earn a house because you don't think its fair for people to have basic necessities provided to them for free. You SHOULD want this to be a thing.

And the idea of minimum wage or ANY wage that pays less than the amount that lets you buy a decent house and car and live without much worry, is dumb. In fact its more than than dumb.

if all men thought the same we'd never have gotten anywhere, regardless of what that thought is

whereas whining about how the system sucks is what keeps the world changing :^)

it's always shit op. were basically romans with technology

God I hate political caricatures. It's just a very ugly way to show a complicated system in far to simplified terms.

This. A satisfied person has no aims. And an aimless person will change nothing in the world.

Why can't the workers own the means of production?

The worlds a shithole and thats how it will always be, so get used to it and maybe you will start to enjoy things


interesting idea, but i dont think its 100% true. plenty of people who are happy with their position in the world stlil go on to effect great change.

great leaders that make great changes often come from rich families. they've lived more than just lives of luxury, but still push the world.

so do people who arent happy with the system sure.

point is there is no rule rhyme or reason to it.

Yes, I was promised the chance to do something meaningful for my species but find such opportunities are all but completely reserved for the children of the rich, who in the ultimate insult, barely take them seriously and largely use them as opportunities to exploit that system for wealth. I wanted to be a scientist and even if I now, at 30, went back and finished my degree I would never, ever make it to a part of science that matters or would discover anything. My only option as a human being is evidently to help a rich person get richer, the poor are literally not allowed any other type of opportunity and it is that shitty fact that keeps this whole system running. If most poors could give up helping the system, we would. We're slaves, no question about it. I really think we should group up and start killing rich people but nobody's ready to listen to me. They think I'm a communist or something, nah, don't even put that much reason to it - just expose the weakness of the rich, their minority status, just kill kill kill them until they behave. You have to kill reach people's families sometimes or they won't be good to us. They gotta remember the horse can buck them at any time.

Harm the rich to help the poor.

i wont win
perfect excuse not to try

Spain 1936-1939
Working class people drove the facist government out of half of Spain and took control of their work places and no longer had bosses, lawmen or money, no one had any reason to kill or steal from their about and George Orwell said "theoretically it was a perfect classless and stateless society and in practice it was not far from it"
The thought that humans are so how incapable of coexisting peacefully is utter bullshit

>literally arent allowed any other opportunity

i bet youre the kind of guy who gets friendzoned a lot

That's just life

Fucking spell check

Fucking 80% of people think that.
Get over it and actually do something instead of complaining.


Something that fucked up my perception of life was hanging out with my friends rich buddies for a few years.

They are living in sandbox mode with cheats on, and its not like all of them are wasting time on girls and drugs. Lots of them use their money to produce cool shit, one of the guys passion is Dota so he was like fuck it I'll buy a house and start a Dota team there and pay people to run it. Just an example, another guy is in lighting for lounges and one guy basically runs an escort service.

The jealousy fucks me up, I wish I was born rich so I could produce some films I want made and sleep with gorgeous women

>kill kill kill them until they behave
They keep us in the cities, crammed into smaller spaces day by day.
Let's go out and hunt the middle classes.

You seem like a lazy idiot

>That's just life

9-5 warehouse supervisor user

Lazy but not basement lazy

could ... could you fucking not?

If I lived in america, then yes

OP, I'm glad you have plans for your life, but don't go being jealous of rich folks.

I just turned thirty and I'm a self-made millionaire in property development. I have eight kids by six different women, all in their early twenties from a few years ago when I realised I wanted kids.. Then quickly changed my mind.

It's bullshit when you've got everything you ever wanted. I have a house, plenty of girls to fuck, I've a reassured future, and travel all the time. I travel to fill up the space in my life, because there's nothing to do. I'm bored out of my motherfucking mind.

I WISH I had new projects, but my interest has waned the last year or two. I've completed almost everything.

It's always good to have a dream to hold onto. It makes you feel alive and have purpose. It's like playing a game when you've over-levelled your guy; life gets too straightforward and... easy.


Stop being a condescending rich asshole

start your own business
create your own system
live how you want

Yes, tell us more about your non-problems

i have no idea how rich people can complain there is literally no downside in haveing money and all you want to do gets easyer with money money is kinda all you need

Nah man I'm not being condescending, just truthful. Your butt hurt betrays your jealousy.

I'm glad OP has problems in his life, he has things to work towards. Me, I keep a diary. I've become boring and lacklustre. And most of the people I hang out with make me want to immolate myself.

It's not a blessing.

more than you could possibly imagine

You don't sound like a rich person


organisms changing shape is a mere occurance of existence, embrace it and stop giving a fuck.

That's because I came from a street upbringing, bruh. The place I came from still had German bullets lodged into a brick wall, I still have one of them to remind me where I came from, as well as to remind my lousy kids.

But yeah, I came from a place the council didn't touch for decades to update and revamp. Out of about ten kids in my neighbourhood, two are still alive. One was me. The rest are all dead from stabbigs, overdoses, all the bullshit that comes with poverty.

Sure. But, I'm not shit, so it's all good. I'm also not rich, so I've got borrowed time to burn while I try to try.

Life is. Fuck shit. No captcha. All good.

enter shikari, hacktivist, letlive.

if you're into metal/ post-hardcore

rich people are just as stressed/bored/frustrated as you are. Money buys opportunities for things rather than happiness, and happiness is a measure very relative to the individual




And so on, and so on!

Since I was about 15.

Doctors, psychotherapists etc. say I'm depressed.

Little do they know!

Could be worse

Could be better

Yes, but that is normal for us since we are twelve and edgelords.

You could be stabbed...

Yeah, it is. We should have a ton more automation, and people should be working because they want to instead of for survival.

Could be raining.

Yeah, and that's a reason to participate in it.

>And then I drown myself in the sweet nepenthe of dank memes

I could live a happy life without any non-provocated assault ever happening to me untill I die if I wanted to and I feel confident in saying this

[Cricket noises intensify]


If you think it's so shit do something with your life so you're remembered in history unlike the millions of people that die and are forgotten.

Antonio Cromartie is that u?

No one else has a better system you ungrateful faggot

I love the rain

Here she comes again
Here comes the rain

So you're good to go, then.

>Implying that the specific system to which he is referring to is known without contention.
>Implying there are not many systems in place currently.
>Implying a system is implicitly better than no system.

I'd be a lot more happy if I had enough money to do exactly what I want, instead of scrounging for every single thing.


No. No, it isn't. Nice try though.

yes the system is shit, but it could be a lot worse. Ain't nothing gonna change in the near future though.


Right, seriously OP..

Yes, the 'system' is fucked. It's oppressive, contradictory, completely fucking absurd at its core!

However, you have the power within yourSELF to abscond from it in any way you see fit. The world only exists in your mind, just as it only exists in mine.

If you are dissatisfied with what you deem 'reality', and its inherent bullshit, then you CAN escape it, because it only exists in YOUR mind.

Reality is what you make it!

What if I told you that there are some things money -can't- buy, besides happiness?

Because it's true. You couldn't give me enough money to shoot myself in the head, on a whim- you'd have to do it for me.


Depends on which rich person you are talking about. I wouldn't say someone who inherits wealth is going to be stressed out as someone who has made their wealth.

No, but I'd be able to buy my own property, be able to indulge my hobbies to the MAX. I'm not saying a massive amount of money would instantly make me happy, but it would allow me to go after what I want in life, which I'm unable to do at the moment. I'll get there some day though.

As someone in this position, I think it's the stress I miss, actually. When I first started, I was working a stupid little service job on counters. I physically destroyed myself working for two years and a bit, flat out, and put my deposit down for a first building. Then I could pull back a little.

I miss that job. It probably would have killed me early if I kept it up though. I always wonder, if the first girl I hooked up with as a young teen hadn't died of organ failure, and I hadn't pulled out that night, maybe my life would be different than what it is.

Maybe I'd be happier in a little 9 to 5 and coming home to a bland looking, slightly fat girl with a couple of kids. Or maybe I'd be just as unhappy and wondering why I wasted my life, and wasn't earning loads of income. It's either-or. The grass is dead on both sides.

OP here. Thing is, i'm not materialistic, i don't want to have things, I just want to live. I hate how i'm not free to explore my mind because it's 'illegal'. We don't get a say in anything, you're put in this fucking system and people don't think about the things that were in place when they got in and just pass it on. Bullshit.