Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

Copy pasta confirmed

Fuck off

Gtfo beta cuck

i smoked once when i was 18 and thought it tasted like shit, so i never smoked again and am now 22

it was so easy quitting, why is it so hard for you fag?


0/10 flamewar not started

75 is not unusual considering some people smoke multiple packs daily, depending on that pack size there are people who do in fact smoke this much

"Like bro, you don't understand, smoking helps me with stress bro."

Anyone who smokes deserves to die. Please don't quit smoking. Keep going. I beg you. Don't stop.

Some people smoke way more than 75 a day


>so many years smoking, hate that I ever did it

>tfw sucked 75 cocks a day
Anyone else here managed not to be OP?

How the fuck do you afford that shit dude?
Smokes are like $10 a pack and you smoke what, 3-4 a day? What the actual fuck.

Also I'm quitting tomorrow, I have one last one for later tonight before I sleep.
It's all about willpower man. I've successfully quit for 6 months to 2 years cold turkey at LEAST 10 times since I was 15.
The thing that brings me back is I LOVE to smoke, it's like a little break from work/family/kids/life.

Costs me 36 dollars a day

Some places smokes aren't so much, here a pack of camel crush is 4.87 tax included and marlboro ranges from 2.71 for something like 100's and special blend is 5.86

Where exactly?
I'm in Scotland and a cheap pack is about 6 pound 50 and change. When I lived in Canada a cheap pack was $8.

I switched from smoking to vaping about a month ago.

I live in GA, the prices of the things haven't went up here. But my granddad lives in Washington DC and its like $15 a pack


I pay 16$ for a pack here in canada and I smoke 2 packs a day

Makes me not want to move, that is retarded

I pay 8$ for a pack of 25 cigs and I'm in canada too...

Everything here is full retard expensive bro, if you like to drink alcohol I hope you're fucking wealthy because only the wealthy can afford to drink regularly here

Makes me glad I haven't started smoking.
However I'm still more sad because I'm beta who never hung out with people so I never had a reason to start.

Don't be beta be alpha

I can't resist dubs, can I?

Dubs masta flex

ecig. Don't go full fucking fedora, just a half sensible refillable type with replaceable wicks.
It works, just don't be gay about it.

Love smoking, but got passionate with working out, couldn't afford to keep both. It was pretty difficult for me even tho I only smoke 7 per day

You mean 70? 7 a day isn't even smoking

tfw people spend more money on a single pack of cigarettes than you can spend on food

Yea heard that a lot, I just never had the urge to smoke more than one in like an hour, even socially

Im vaping for about 1 year now.
Yeah call me a faggot but feelsgoodman when you dont spend your money on cigarettes.
Ofcourse it is not the same.
Btw OP you are a nasty piece of shit how do you manage to smoke 75 a day. I couldnt even smoke three in a row.

I had to choose between food or cigarettes when I moved out because I could no longer afford to smoke and eat so I quit smoking


Sup Forumsro you gotta stop making this thread.


He probably reaks like an ashtray and is a walking chimney

Love how all you amerifags are complaining about cigarettes being expensive. Ausfag here paying 33.75 for a 25 pack of Dunhill Red. Even the low tier cheap Cigarettes are like 19.50

Jesus christ you'd have to work for 3+ hours just to buy a pack of smokes kek I bet hardly anyone smokes there

things non-smokers don't understand... having a smoke be it tobacco or marijuana is just something enjoyable. i can't really describe it. i just enjoy puffin on a cig. i dont care if it hurts me. it just feels nice. occupies your hands. also it feels cool idc if people think it aint.

Fellow ausfag can confirm that pic related cost him 23.50

Lol I'm guessing only the super wealthy smoke there? I'd have to work 2.5 hours just to buy that pack of smokes

This. The empress has made her appearance.
Anything beyond this point is just beating your dad's horse.