I have two Xanax pills and a case of beer. Never done Xanax before so have no tolerance...

I have two Xanax pills and a case of beer. Never done Xanax before so have no tolerance. Is this enough to kill me or do I need hard liquor? Going to let the thread run while I buy my last pack of smokes.

It could kill you. You'll definitely black out and you probably won't have any control over your drinking, compounding the danger. I'd set aside 4 or 5 beers only. You'll be golden.

bump so you can see my advice

You shouldn't take Xanax, nor should you get drunk. If you take them both at the same time, you may risk killing yourself.

man, all these faggots

start with a quarter bar and 2 beers, then another quarter with another beer.

if nothing, another quarter bar. no more.

Better advice than I gave initially.

If you can find any other pills/morphine it should do it.

What mg?
Nothing is going to happen to you.
You'll get really drowsy and go to sleep.

I know because I do it everyday.


this is me under xanax + vodka, my friend took this pic, he sad that there was no possible communication with me, i just felt in oblivion. you will not die.

Take the xanax and use a flavor injector syringe from the grocery to shoot the alcohol up your pooper.

After a few shots or a few beers you will definetly be fucked up beyond all reason.

do you faggots not realize that he is intending to kill himself?

I do realize this, which is why I recommended beer butt chug

Stream it, include link here, thanks OP.

If you wake up then try harder next time faggot.

That won't kill you m8. You'll just black out.

he will actually, that combo can give you respiratory failure dumbfuck

I had 2 or 3 xanax and half a liter of vodka when i was like 16 and it was one of my first times doing it. I survived but you wont be able to stand up for shit.

well, I'm still alive.

Me and my cousin downed 4 shots of vodka and popped some footballs. We couldnt walk for shit, kept falling on our asses. Hes been on bars before, but this was my first time. Nah OP ull live.

>not able to stand up

Can confirm hahahah

Not gonna work you're just going to black out now heroin and xanax on the other hand

you need to drink a pretty decent amount, it potentiates the xanax too.

The skids think their few 33cl 4% beer is enough.

I drank about 0.7l vodka

you rly need to drink much, but even then you most likely will °just° fall to comatose. Even if it kills you what id not secure with only 2 pills (without alc its not even nervegas, i mean its remcommended it cannot kill you without additional substances) its an awful death with a lot of vomit. better take a gun faggot

OP is probably ded.

RIP in piece OP

how much xanax?

Why would you try to be an hero?

two pills

just dont lol

I drank half a bottle of fireball and took two green monster bars. Pretty fucking crazy. set aside 5-8 beers and enjoy not remembering a fucking thing.

Explain why you have decided to do it. Don't you have anything to live for?

You won't die i do shit like that all the time but you wont remember shit the next day.

Ha, I totally didn't read it that way. I forgot where I was.

Man I remember first xanny + weed + beer trip. Actually, I don't remember shit of it after I popped the barz but couldn't stand straight the morning after.

You won't die though

You're going to die.

i'm not OP, and i did it a year ago, i don't really care about my life anymore

Yeahhh, this man. Guess you'll need a couple of 10 and than you'll probably puke so you wouldn't die either.

It will take 12 beers and 4 Xanax and then you will die. 16 beers to make sure and add 2 more xannies if you are really sure to avoid brain damage / living. It's not hard at all. Quit being a pussy and just do it.

Not OP here, but i have a question about Neurol ( european Xanax) (0.5mg) What happens with it when it's past expiration? because i have a pack of 20 which expired back in 2012. Are they stronger or weaker?

No, I didn't.

OP, Disregard that quarter bar advice

but if you chug the liquor and eat the bars, you will vomit.

liquor enema. forget those bars, liquor enema will kill you

Delayed detonation, same strenght

cannot be said for sure but they dont stay like new, if u want to use them as medicine buy new ones



I was just wondering, since i have a pack handy.

What a bunch of underage faggots. That wont kill you. I take benzodiazepan with alcohol on daily basis and i just get a little fucked up. If u really want to kill urself just take the half xanax and a glass of whine and chill. That will change your mind.