What does/b/ think of Overwatch?

What does/b/ think of Overwatch?


Junkrat is godly once you mater the bounces of the grenades and the traps.

Also big fan of Pharah. Widowmaker just doesn't feel right. Hitboxes are outrageous though.


Any game where I feel every fucking character is OP when they kill me is designed pretty well. When everything is over powered, nothing is.

Having more fun than I thought. Wish we'd get some more game modes, including straight up team deathmatch.

Trying too hard.

Playing right now, fun shit

I dont think his primary fire should explode early if it hits sombody, I think that just encourages spam fire into a crowd knowing it will explode when it hits them.


Would you please explain why you feel it is overdesigned ? I generally am wondering what makes you feel that way as I have a feeling like that as well.

I like the spam fire. You don't win by not shooting. Junkrat was made for spamming.

That would make him considerably worse if he gets caught out or flanked. His role is to spam chokepoints and objectives.

I'd want more objective based game modes like ctf or domination since that's what blizzard wants the game to be all about

fun as fuck, real shitty ults on some heroes though

auto aim on soldier 76... seriously? its the shittiest fucking ult ever, requires no skill and impossible to dodge.
mcrees ult is also pretty bs but at least you have time to dodge it and it requires some timing.

also lucio is either op, or the other supports need to be buffed.

widowmaker deals too much damage on bodyshots.

Holy shit, I'm supposed no one has posted overwatch porn yet

>10 million players a few weeks after release
>one of the most well designed multiplayer games ever

how the fuck is it overhyped? stop being such an edgy 14 year old hipster, you're not cool for disliking popular things.

Great game. Flocked with kids who wants to play Reaper EXCLUSIVELY. Can't wait for ranked.

baby's first arena shooter.

doom 4 mods are where the cool kids play

and still quake online

and tribes 2 sometimes

Snapmap is shit sadly

Getting tired of respawn/travel times.

It's too cartoony

reaper is so fucking edgy its cringy. its like every 12 year old's wet dream ever. going 'DIE DIE DIE' when he does his ult? it's like something straight out of 11 year old me's homemade comic books.


can't happen fast enough

Worse battleborn that looks better

>i only play obscure games because im not a normie
>inb4 doom/quake is not obscure

I think the art style is awesome

respawn times are fast. you ever played tf2? its like fucking 25 seconds

And you aren't cool for liking

its not that good lil jimmy.

that would be unbearable

>one of the most popular shooters in the mid 90s
>recent release has critical acclaim

isn't that the point?

Overhype, what the fuck else do you think?

Overwatch looks good
Plays good
Feels good
but not really anything new and brilliant


how is it overdesigned.. theres literally one objective

I'm enjoying it but it needs some major balancing. Mei is the most enraging fucking hero to play against and makes the game not fun. Other than that I like it.

snap map wasnt meant to be good. just a selling point and easy way to entice the WAD community (but way too late)



This ,people are really salty the game is good and people are actually buying it, myself included >Hur durr you don`thave taste for games
Its a good game that`s it .

More like playing with one on your team.

This. Also despite some of them being literal walking tropes, the characters are genuinely enjoyable. But nothing especially original about it.

I think it can go both ways, honestly. A good Mei on the enemy team is infuriating and a bad Mei on your team is equally infuriating.

>well designed
Based on?

One, you're using tilde's, not apostrophes.
Two, not everyone has to like everything. I played the beta myself, thought it was incredibly shallow for a game and it was meh for fun, so I'm passing it up. People who think it's impossible for anyone to not like the games they like are one of the cancers of gaming.

>impossible to dodge
line of sight
>lucio is op
mercy is just as good if not better - sym is also broken as fuck and almost 100 games with her I've maintained a 70% w/l.

>widowmaker damage
what is an patch note

>Widowmaker needed more of a nerf
>McCree should be removed from the game
>Reaper needs less health, less healing, or no smoke thing
>Zenyatta needs more health
>Dva needs to move while shooting
>Genjis are assholes
>Mei is Bae

this guy preordered from gamestop
>in person

Widowmaker just got nerfed on body shots today


I've yet to see any good arguement for choosing this over TF2

Well i only played the beta but i loved it any richfag mind gifting me it. The tag is liqamadiq#1315

If anyone needs a nerf it's mei. Or you know you could git gud.

how is it not? honestly cunts like you are never happy no matter what

its like your basic top down moba but you play as one character at a time

>Mei is bae
She's the cutest, that's for sure.

i like team fortress 3

Mei is Bae!!
McCree and Widow just got a nerf in this patch

Cunts like you are never happy to see a counter point to theirs.

i bought the game online after it was released

what the fuck does your comment mean anyway?

TF2 is F2P and full of children

Thanks for reminding me.

>Mei needs less heath too

Yeah I think Overwatch is pretty good

Fucking re-skinned TF2

Honestly I think it's overrated. I played it on the free weekend and it's looked just like team fortress but paid and with waifus.
I would appreciate if someone told me the differences between the two


who the fuck draws/enjoys these types of hentai?

SUPER exaggerated features, like enormous tits, do people actually enjoy that? it takes away every ounce of 'realism' that might make hentai enjoyable

Widow needed more of a nerf and McCree needs to not exist anymore. He was a cute idea, but the game will be better off without him.


Autism is on the rise m8.


>having trouble with mcree
git gud, you're probably the type of noob who thinks bastion is op and looses entire games to it

except for all the parts that aren't, and all the parts that are better.

Blizzard did what Blizzard has always done, take some existing game and make it 100 times better.

Don't be an ass-tard.

Just because there are payload and capture maps it does not automatically make it a "re-skin". The game has Unreal Tournament elements to it, as well as many other existing games like Mobas.

There's a reason Overwatch has succeeded the way it has in such a short amount of time, and it's definitely not attributed to its likeness to tf2. Sandbag harder.

>great characters
that we know nothing about
even League gives a short bio on a character, Overwatch gives nothing
>6/10 wasted potential

Exactly. Feels bad to be a Mercy on a team with 3 reapers and 2 Hanzos. which literally happened the other day...

>doesn't know they admitted to copy tf2 and taking it what they consider "further"

forgot to mention
but it's apparently ok because Blizzard

I like the diverse range of heroes Overwatch lets you choose from, and the fact that every time you play as a hero you can choose a different path in their skill tree

>let's cum at the same time brother
>wow you're hard already even though you just came
>this time I will use my feet and tell you I love you after just meeting you after our parents were separated at our birth
>I'm a virgin you're my first uhuu
>splash of cum bigger than hiroshima

You fucking idiot.

There is no counter to McCree. He is the ganking class, that is all he is good for.

If you get the drop on him, or find him at range he is dead. But if some dipshit runs around a corner and fucking flashbangs. you are dead no matter what.

You lost me there.

>implying overwatch isn't far more better and enjoyable than the f2p cosmetic tdm shitfest that is tf2

just because tf2 was the original doesn't mean it's better.

The respawn times are just 10 seconds, suck it up and learn to not die every minute. Right about the travel times though but that's simply balance. If everyone would just spawn next to the payload it would be chaos.

>there is no counter to mccree up close

u wot m8

I don't like this game much, but I can safely say I've never had a problem with microtransactions that don't affect play. Like in cod, didn't care. This, don't care. Dragon age, didn't care. It's never mattered to me

If I wanted realism I would fap to cosplay.

Instead i'm fapping to dudes getting knocked up by their shemale girlfriends.

bad wording, i mean't it kinda like stay true to the original character. mei obviously doesn't have 400 pound thighs, so who the fuck enjoys picture's like that? doesn't resemble mei in any way

Non compulsory micro transactions for cosmetic items.. which are perfectly acceptable.

You understand you're complaining that Blizzard doesn't expect just a game sale to cover its costs for life?

Don't be a massive faggot.

Its the final descent of once hardcore Blizzard into catering the most casual of cucks. Pixar Cinematics are shame for a studio that gave us Starcraft and Warcraft cinematics. Pixar light weaboo chars. Weaboo maps.
"RYUUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU!" edgy edge lord
>costs 40$ on a free to play market
Low maps, shitter ammount of game modes, fights feel claustrofobic

Tell that to Genji countering his flashbang, son.

>Ganking class
>Dies by trying to 1v1 a ganker

>Dies by trying to challenge her in range

The people crying in this game are hilarious, I can't believe Blizzard actually did listen to these casual players suffering from dunning kruger, Widow/Mcree can be outplayed if you just know what they do.

That game wouldn't be anything if it wasnt for tf2

>still using cuck as an insult

Please tell me how Genji or Mei can get out of his stunlock.

Zarya might live through the stun and right click, but not through the roll and another right click. And she has nowhere near the damage to kill him before he kills her.

McCree is the ganking character, and getting ganked is never fun. He must be removed.

cosmetics are literally the only form of "progression" in Overwatch
they could at least guarantee a rare in every box

Good game, great characters, great optimization. My biggest problem is how the characters are set up in a counter system. Reaper counters roadhog, mei counters mercy / 76 etc. It makes picking a main useless because both teams constantly switch characters to counter each other. I don't know how it would be done, but i wish certain heros didnt just one shot shit on other certain heros.

Is tanking fun mah niggas? Thinking of getting it if so.