Som sa narodil v Kanade, takže hovorim slabo

Som sa narodil v Kanade, takže hovorim slabo.

Ale, chcel by som rozumieť čo ide v tej pesničke "Išiel Macek do Malacek". Vysvetli po Anglicky, prosimte. Ďakujem.

the guy Macek goes to Malacky,town in Záhorie,region near czech border where they speak heavy dialect in which the song is sung,he goes to smash lentils as its his job, he forgot his flail- the thing you smash them with- so he had to go back for it

chorus is just about how Macejko should play on instrument

thanks. It's got a great melody and rhythm

yeah, its good song to sing when drunk, people also sung it during this Euro matches

btw there is second strophe aswell but text is dumb just like first one, he is asking his wife where his flail is etc

any idea what that instrument, the cenko, is?


some kind of drum?

No, its not instrument, its style of playing, higher pitch

>Vysvetli po Anglicky, prosimte
to dobrze napisane?

cool, thanks!

Prosím tě je po česky

Slovensky by malo byť Prosím ťa

np, you have both parents Slovaks?

Ya. Spent a year in Slovakia teaching English. Beautiful place.

and you talked in English at home?
Where did you teach? Bratislava?

V ktorom meste byvate?

I spoke po Slovensky for a few years when I was a child, but then stopped for many years and it faded.

Nemôžem povedať kedže je to veľmi malé mesto. Ale 45 minút od Bratislavy

Som učil v Bardejove

>tfw I understood everything

feels dobre man

A prečo si sa rozhodol na rok tu učiť? Muh heritage inštinkt?

Prvé dojmy? Stredná či základná škola? Rodičia utiekli pred komunizmom? Chcel by si byť v kontakte so Slovenskom viac?


I liked it. I had never been in a "homogeneous" place before. Ya they took off because of communism though at different times. I would... not sure how though

I was very curious about where my family came from; and it's not like there are many tv shows, documentaries, etc. about the country. So I went with a quick way to make some money to sustain myself.

To ma teší. Veľa ľudí čo pochádzajú zo Slovenska sa hlásia k Česku alebo to vôbec nerieši

Prečo mysliš?