You're in a room with

You're in a room with


With one bullet, who do you shoot?
>inb4 line up their heads and shoot them all

Well I shoot god.

Toby twice.


but everyone knows that you need heaven bullets to shoot god, silly user



Onision. Most annoying cunt of them all.


hive mind

Coppercap is just autistic, he isnt actively being a cunt.

Leafy just knows what hiw viewers want to see so he puts on the act and gets money, i would do it too if it made me millions like it does for him.

Onision is a legitimately slimy and manipulative worm, I would definitely shoot him.

i pray every full moon that hes trolling

No idea who coppercab is. I would shoot Onision and kick Leafy in the nuts.

i think cabs a troll

gingers have souls

Oh, THAT guy. Yeah, I'd punch him in the gut


Alright Then I guess I will shoot the wire that leads to the light bulb turning it off which sends leafy flying into the nearest gay bar. But It means onison and coppercab make love to each other which makes them have a baby which grows up and finds out that it was adopted and kills onison and puts coppercab into sex slavery. While that happened I had died of old age.


Curve the bullet.

Even then, hes just out for laughs and to trigger people.

Onision is a worm, vindictive and slimy, out to be a cunt essentially, in it for himself, etc.

Onision I guess, I don't even know who the other two are.

easy you line them up and shoot all three though the throat with the same bullet problem solved

Marry Onision
Fuck Coppercab
Kill Leafy


OR make them fight to the death and kill the winner, to easy

Myself so I'm not in the same room with those faggots...

I don't know who any of these guys are, so it's whoever gives the worst blowjob.

>implying the point he made wasn't valid

Onision, in the stomach. Pistol whip leafy, dunno who the other faggot is.

>mfw I subbed to leafy before it became "ALL CAPS TITLE MAKING OUTRAGEOUS CLAIM"

He was never good, but he was better then.

>line up
don't need to
>curving is real

Don't know any of these names.
Feels good, man.

a blessed, untainted user

I have no idea who any if those are.
I auction their lives. Lowest bidder gets shot.

Line them all up in a row and kill all three at once.

Coppercab is great
Leafy is cancer
Onision is just a fucking troll, do you guys not realize that?