Sup Forums I need you help and please no fucking questions

Sup Forums I need you help and please no fucking questions
how the fuck do I lock this door? I'm on the inside.
Please hurry, this is an emergency.
The lower knob won't turn much or click or anything

Drill screws into the corners where the door meets the wall

Op ur a fag

Take off a belt and put it around the handles. Secure it tightly. Should hold

Lift the handle until it doesn't go higher and turn the deadbolt while its lifted. Be safe user

Towel works too. Or any sort of cloth that you can wrap.

If it works tell us the story lol

just take the "someone is sleeping" thing and put it on the outside

they'll see it and won't come in.

What is the emergency, OP?

>put a sock on the outer handle


Wrap belt around it, shove as much shit as you can in doorway, be prepared to Power Bomb a tv

Pour gasoline, light it on and run.

Jam a upside down broom under the handle. Cant open if they cant turn the lever handle

Thank you guys holy fuck i promise I'll post more about it tomorrow but I almost got fucking murdered and just killed a man.
cops are here, I'll post the whole story tomorrow. Code word: door belt

Thank you too this was exactly how it locked

pist location faggot so i can browse news

More info and pics damnit

I seriously got to go now but Tampa south Florida look at the news tomorrow
I don't know how big of a story they'll make it though

"hey officer, do you mind if i take a second to let Sup Forums know what's going on?"

"oh sure, faggot, we'll pause this murder investigation so those neckbeards don't have to wonder. their lives are already miserable enough"

pics or it didn't happen OP

That's somethin i guess. Call your lawyer user. Peace

CDWL checking in.

Bravo on ridding the world of another would be killer :)


Are both sides of the doors like that? find something U shaped and place it over the knobs like this. It will have some give and not stop the door dead, but what other options do you have? Make sure it's long or fixed in some way so it doesn't work itself sideways if someone rattles on the door. Alternatively you might be able to tie the knobs together if no such object is available.


OP is fucking with us my dudes, just let this one go

Open the door. There should be two buttons one in and one out on the locking side. push the out one in shut the door. It should be locked unless it was unlocked then do it again and then it shoudl be locked. If you have time check your work before closing the doot.


He's busy seeing if he's going to be indicted. He said he'd post a new thread about it later. Read previous posts, there are like 5 of them. Damn.